2.Force Majeure: Should the shipment be delayed or prevented by reasons including acts of government, embargoes, declared or undeclared war risks, riots, strikes, lockouts, civil commotion, earthquakes, floods, acts of God, fire, official declaration of plague infection etc… or by the consequences of such occurrences, seller to send to buyer within 5 working days from the date of occurrence of the event by telex and/or cable and/or fax a formal notice of force majeure certified by the Chamber of Commerce or equivalent authority; the contract shall be deemed null and void unless extension or renegotiation is mutually agreed. Should war and/or hostilities and/or consequences thereof prevent seller from fulfilling the contract or any part thereof, such unfulfilled parts shall be deemed null and void accordingly.加拿大电商Hallo, bitte schicken Sie uns mehr info uber die QT8-15- Machine MfG Alfredo 评论 晕死 是德语 你去德语区问问吧 评论 要你关于QT8-15- 这个型号机器的信息 评论 跟你要关于QT8-15- 这个型号机器的资料信息 加拿大电商我的客户需要从非洲免关税国家进口一些商品,所谓的免关税是不是也不用交增值税。 如果要交增值税,增值税的税率是多少? 菜鸟向各位前辈请教了。 评论 关税与增值税是俩个税种
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