Attention should be paid to the following three points in particular, otherwise the products will not be able to be imported to China:1. The State Administration of quality Supervision, Inspection, Inspection and Inspection implements the admission system for the export of pet food to the country or region, and must obtain permission to export pet food to our country after obtaining the permission to enter the rear area.At present, more than 10 countries and regions, such as the United States, Canada, China and Taiwan, have been granted permission to export pet food to China.2. The State Administration of quality Supervision, Quarantine and Quarantine shall implement a registration system for overseas production and processing enterprises. All imported pet food must come from overseas production and processing enterprises that have been registered in China.Before importing pet food, importers should obtain import animal and plant quarantine license before importing pet food.For more details, please contact us.There are more details of import customs clearance, such as sufficient preparation of prior materials, full documentation, and smooth customs clearance. In this link, we can inform the customer in advance of the necessary materials and apply for the documents required in the customs clearance process, including the corresponding documents,And according to the actual situation of customers to provide the most cost-effective, efficient import supply chain program!Other details (such as customs duties, customs clearance charges, etc.) due to the product, volume and import ports are different, welcome you to inquire!
加拿大电商我们公司老板个人一笔外汇收入15000美金,然后他不知道让老外打到我们公司的帐户里来了,那这笔款怎么入帐呀 ,如果作内销不是要缴税吗?!那不是太冤了,我可不可以当作订金(预收帐款 加拿大电商各位,我问下,台湾用信汇到大陆,大概需要几天的时间?急都急死了,等着付钱 评论 一般新台币和人民币不可能从台湾打过来,其实从美国,或者哪个国家打过来24小时,尽管多出一
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