加拿大进出口外贸LED 灯具6年多,整理了一些销售宝典(客户沟通,建立信任),共勉!



1. 通过个人 A.专业的LED行业知识——能及时回答客户提出的技术问题并利用所掌握的知识引导客户购买适合市场的产品。 B.专业的外贸技能——流利的口语水平+专业外贸贸知识 对货运,报关等流程的了解。
D.热忱的服务态度——时解决客户的难题 提出建设性意见 发节日祝福或者圣诞贺卡之类增进与客户私人感情.

2 通过公司平台
产品质量优势 CE RoHS 认证 ISO9001:2000 严格的质量控制体系 QC监控生产每个环节 出货前必经的检测程序+高压 功能 触摸 外观 老化(24小时)    Advantage of Quality: C&G has cetificates of CE, RoHS and ISO9001:2000. Our quality control system is very strict. The QC staff inspencted every procedure of production. One product should pass high voltage test, function test, touching test , visual test and above 24 -hour- aging test before delivery.

技术优势  专注研发 研发部技术人员齐备(结构 系统控制 电源 光学 软件 无线控制) 如每个月推新产品 有新产品发布日等 Two Idea Design Engineers;One System Engineer;Four Electrical Power Engineer; Two Software Engineers One Optics Engineer;Two Structure Engineers; One Wireless Control Engineer
Advantage of Technology We focus on research and innovation. Our fully-equipped R&D  Department posseses prfossional engineers in aspect of structure, system, electrical Power, optics, software, and wireless control. We release new products every month and the 28th of every month is C&G’s New Product Launch Day.

产量优势 50K每月 按时的交货 历史优势 最早开始做LED照明的中国厂商之一,在LED照明灯具方面有有丰富的经验; Advantage of History: We started to making high power led lighting products as early As 2001 and we are one of the begginers of Chinese manufacturers in the application field of led lamps.  发展优势  销售额从公司成立以来每年递增50%以上 上市  Advantage of Development  Our turnover increases by 100% every year since establised.  Our target of turnover in 2014 is 100 million USD.  In 2015 we will reach 200 million USD and will go to public stock.

宣传渠道 专业B2B的推广 We promote ourselves in some professional B2B website and Magazines like GLOBAL   MARKET, GLOBALSOURCES. 公司网站的及时更新 网站的完善(设计能吸引人, 资料齐全)

1.        老客户对我们的某款产品有很大的需求
a)        首先分析客户与我们以前的合作历史,公司的规模。 一般来说下大订单的客户,客户是在LED 方面有比较强的实力,与我们合作有一定的时间,买过我们的样品,而且测试结果满意。
b)        然后我们需要了解发出此需求人的职位,一般来说,需求来自采购会比较真实。我们需求了解产品将如何销售,是否已找到客户。如果是的,他的客人准备将产品用在那里,将在什么时间需要。如果是真实需求的话, 客人会对这些问题进行详细的答复。

2.   新客户对我们的某款产品有很大的需求

1.        old customer has big demand for certain product
A.        Analysis previous cooperation history, company scale, Generally speaking, customer having big order are supposed to have strong ability in LED, have cooperation with us for a period, test our sample and approve our quality
B.        We need to know the position of the demander.  Generally speaking, demand from purchasing is more authentic. We need to find out how to sales product and whether or not there is a buyer.  If yes, the buy plan to use product where and when need product.  If the demand is authentic, customer will give a detailed reply to our questions.
2.        new customer has big demand for certain product
A.        we need to know detailed background, for example, business nature, range of led products, main market, scale, purchasing time in China
B.        we need to know why customer has a big demand for the product, for example, who will buy this product, where the product is used, how to promote this product, attending light fair, making catalog, updating to website.

a)        客户的公司规模, LED 产品的种类,公司类型,主要市场。
b)        客户在中国采购的时间,是否在中国有办事处。
c)        客户那些产品在中国采购,每年的采购量,是否有固定的采购周期。
d)        客户LED 产品的销售渠道是怎样的,有固定老客户吗,他的客户是干什么的,
e)        客户主要通过那种途径宣传自己的产品,展会,网站,邮寄目录,LED目录的制作水品, 每年参加那些展会,参展规模如何,网站规模。
f)        客户对我们的那些产品感兴趣,对产品的测试结果是否满意。
g)        客户主要将我们的产品销售向那里,主要客人是谁,每年对产品的需求量是多少。

How to judge customer potential
1.        company scale, rang of led products, company nature, main market.
2.        how many years customer have been  purchasing in China and do they have office in China
3.        Customer purchase which products in China at the moment, annul purchasing volume, how
Many times they purchase in one year,
3.        how is the marketing channel for customer, do they have old customer, what his old customer do?
4.        how customer promote our product, by lightfair, website, postal, how is his website, which lightfair he will attend, how is the catalog.
5.        customer have interest of which products and how is the test result of our products.
6.        customer plan to sell our products to where and who will be his main customer and how
much he will need in one year.  

1.        首先表明感谢客户对我方的产品感兴趣。
2.        上客户网站了解客户的类型和规模,对大规模采购的,我方应提供一定的价格优势。对于做工程小规模的,则要适当提高价格报价。
3.        告知因我司产品品种繁多,问客户具体对我方哪几款产品感兴趣,分别需求量 有多少,按不同的量报不同的价钱,促使客户定更多的货。
4.        邮件中客户发CATALOG, 经过个人分析后,可以给该客户报价的,要附上SSC,CREE,TAIWAN LED 的区别,流明值,光衰图。

We appreciate a lot you are interested in our products and asked quotation.In order to service for you with our best,could you let us know more about you? We could do some special price for you as different QTY required.

Attached is our latest catalog for you,pls let me know what products are you interested ,and your potential order,so we can make a very competitive price for you as your special required.



如果是为广告的 建议就此打住,继续广告还会封号
加拿大电商我的客户需要从非洲免关税国家进口一些商品,所谓的免关税是不是也不用交增值税。 如果要交增值税,增值税的税率是多少? 菜鸟向各位前辈请教了。 评论 关税与增值税是俩个税种 加拿大电商Hallo, bitte schicken Sie uns mehr info uber die QT8-15- Machine MfG Alfredo 评论 晕死 是德语 你去德语区问问吧 评论 要你关于QT8-15- 这个型号机器的信息 评论 跟你要关于QT8-15- 这个型号机器的资料信息
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加拿大贸易当月销项-进项=-6万元,当月FOB总价*退税税率为10万元,那么当月可退税是6万元,免抵4万元 请问:这免抵的4万是不是要留到下期再进行抵扣????? 评论 这个问题问财务了。 评论 ...


加拿大电商EN10204-3.1 材质报告

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