义乌市启弘工艺品有限公司位于浙江义乌市上溪镇玩具基地吴晗路22号.我司是一家专业生产相框画框用的内衬卡纸的直接厂家,生产的品牌为启弘牌优质裱画卡纸,其原料精选优质进口白卡纸作纸芯,面层采用高档进口色纸,配合以先进的机器设备和精湛的制作工艺,生产出高档优质的卡纸,适合于国内外各种出口型画框,相框厂家使用。本公司经营相框卡纸,画框卡纸,卡纸,相框,画框,相框内衬卡纸,画框内衬卡纸,彩色卡纸,金银卡纸,塑料相框,PVC相框,相框背板,相框装裱,相框批发,十字绣相框,十字绣相框卡纸,相框制作,画框制作,画框批发,相框画框, 多孔相框,相框PVC相框,数码相框卡纸,工艺卡纸,国画框卡纸,美术工艺卡纸,艺术卡纸,数码画框卡纸,卡纸加工等。质量保证,欢迎咨询洽谈。
The company cardboard frame, cardboard frames, cardboard, photo frames, picture frames, photo frames lined with cardboard, lined cardboard picture frames, color cardboard, gold and silver cardboard, plastic photo frame, PVC photo frame, picture frame back, mounting frame, picture frames wholesale, cross stitch frames, cross stitch cardboard frame, picture frame making, frame production, wholesale picture frames, photo frame picture frame, porous frame, with Frame PVC Photo Frame, digital photo frame cardboard, craft paperboard, cardboard picture frames country, arts and crafts cardboard, art paper jam, digital picture frame cardboard, cardboard processing. Quality assurance, welcome to consult the discussion.
电 话: 15858990869
公司主页: http://www.matboards.cn
[ 本帖最后由 ywqihong 于 2010-4-24 16:40 编辑 ]
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