19. A quality control program is considered to be质量控制程序是: ( )a) A collection of quality control procedures and guidelines.质量控制过程和指导方针的总和
b) A step by step list of all quality control check points. 一个循序渐进的质量控制点推进表
c) A summary of company quality control policies.公司质量控制政策的摘要
d) A system of activities to provide quality of products and services.
20. The "quality function" of a company is best described as
公司的质量指标最好的解释是 ( )
a) The degree to which the company product conforms to a design or specification.
b) That collection of activities through which "fitness for use" is achieved.
c) The degree to which a class or category of product possesses satisfaction for people generally. 在一定程度上,一类产品在人们心中所能具有的满意程度
d) All of the above. 以上都是
21. The three basic elements of a quality system are 质量系统的三个基本元素是 ( )
a) Quality Management, Purchasing and Document Control质量管理,采购和文件控制
b) Quality Management, Quality Control and Quality Assurance
c) SPC, Inspection and Quality Assurance SPC,检验和质量保证
d) Quality Control, Quality Costs and Control Charts质量控制,质量成本成本和控制图表
22. Statistical quality control is best described as 静态质量控制最好的描述是:( )
a) Keeping product characteristics within certain bounds. 保证产品规格在特定的范围内
b) Calculating the mean and standard deviation.计算平均值和保准偏差
c) The study of the characteristics of a product or process, with the help of numbers to make them behave the way we want them to behave.
d) The implementation of ISO 9000. ISO 9000的执行
23. When thinking of Quality Improvement, which of the following is the most important
在考虑质量改进时,以下哪个是最重要的 ( )
a) The Customer Feedback Loop 客户反馈
b) Make Operation 经营
c) Inspection 检验
d) Quality of Incoming Material 原材料的质量
24. The acronym ISO means ISO指的是 ( )
a) International Standards Organization. 国际标准组织
b) Internal Service Organization.国际服务组织
c) Equal. 平等
d) Third party auditing organization.第三方审查组织
25. Products should be subjected to tests which are designed to产品需要测试的目的是 ( )
a) Demonstrate advertised performance. 显示广告的性能
b) Demonstrate basic function at minimum testing cost. 证明基本功能测试成本最低
c) Approximate the conditions to be experienced in customer's application.
d) Assure that specifications are met under laboratory conditions.
26. In case of conflict between contract specifications and factory shop floor practice,
万一工厂的实际操作和合同条款发生了冲突 ( )
a) Arbitration is necessary. 有必要仲裁
b) The customer is always right.客户永远是对的
c) Good judgment should be exercised.应该使用正确的判断
d) Contract specifications normally apply.一般根据合同条款
27. What is the probability of getting a head or a tail in 1 toss of a coin
扔一次硬币,扔到正面或反面的概率是多少? ( )
a) 1/16
b) 1/4
c) 1/2
d) 1
Use the following information to answer problems 28 - 29. 利用以下信息回答28 - 29题。
A sample of 7 rivets was taken from a shipment of 1000 rivets and the length was measured. The following data are obtained:
Sample Number 样品号- Length (inches)长度(英寸)
1 - 3.1
2 - 3.1
3 - 3.2
4- 3.7
5- 3.6
6- 3.7
7- 3.1
28. What is the mean length of the rivets? 铆钉的长度的平均值是 ( )
a) 3.20 inches 英寸
b) 3.36 inches 英寸
c) 4.00 inches 英寸
d) 3.65 inches 英寸
29. What is the standard deviation of the length of the rivets (estimate of population standard deviation)? 铆钉长度的标准偏差是多少 ( )
a) 0.27 inches 英寸
b) 2.16 inches 英寸
c) 0.29 inches 英寸
d) 2.00 inches 英寸
30. The term AQL as used in sampling inspection, means
AQL 用于样品检验,指的是 ( )
a) That level of lot quality for which there is a large risk of rejecting the lot.
b) The Average Quality Limit. 平均质量限度
c) The maximum percent defective that can be considered satisfactory as a process average.
d) The quality level. 质量水平
31. Which procedures are performed on product and test equipment in order to determine if predefined specifications have been met?
哪种产品是用于产品和测试设备,以决定是否符合预定的技术参数 ( )
a) Inspection 检验
b) Identification 鉴定
c) Labeling 标签
d) Traceability 跟踪性
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