加拿大进出口外贸[华南]AQL-LEVEL II标准


特附上AQL-LEVEL II 的参考标准给有需要的朋友~~~由于文件大小限制,故分开上传,请见谅!!!

本人拥有多年的公正行的验货,外贸公司的验货,工厂的品质管理。受过ISO9001:2000,QC七大手法,HACCP/AQL抽样水准等培训,指导供应商处理品质异常问题。.产品:主要是:家具,牛仔裤,塑料,手袋,小五金,,玩具,家电,陶瓷等。有这些产品的验货经验,对于这些产品的主要点,次要点了如指掌,擅长做详细的验货英文报告,包括产品细节图片,大货合格样图片,瑕疵点,对于产品存在的问题如:包装,外观,产品的功能等经验丰富,具有问题前瞻性的预测能力。熟悉AQL国际验货标准。产品涉及面广,接触种类多,产品销往国家地区:日本,美国,非洲,欧洲。本人做事态度严谨认真,公正,精益求精。电话:13822230310 qq: 2576031988

I have many years experience of inspection on fair-line and foreign trade companies, factories quality management.Accepted the education on QC seven gimmick of ISO9001:2000 and HACCP/AQL sampling standards and so on, mentoring the suppliers to handle the abnormal problems of the quality.
I am also experience on the problems in products,such as: package , appearance, product features act.
I have the ability of forward-looking predictive of the problems,very familiar with the international inspection standards of AQL.
With the full inspection experience of these products.I am very familiar with the main point, the sub-points of the goods,and expert in writing the detailed English inspection report, including particulars pictures of the products, the goods qualified pictures, spot defects.
The mainly products of our company are: furniture, jeans, plastic, handbags, hardware, toys, appliances, ceramics and so on.
Our products involves widely and contact with many kinds of other goods,sold to many countries like: Japan, the United States, Africa, Europe.
Please noted that I am a person that have serious attitude, justice, and excellence on working.
Telephone number:13822230310 qq: 2576031988




电话:13822230310 qq: 2576031988

I have many years experience of inspection on fair-line and foreign trade companies, factories quality management.Accepted the education on QC seven gimmick of ISO9001:2000 and HACCP/AQL sampling standards and so on, mentoring the suppliers to handle the abnormal problems of the quality.
I am also experience on the problems in products,such as: package , appearance, product features act.
I have the ability of forward-looking predictive of the problems,very familiar with the international inspection standards of AQL.
With the full inspection experience of these products.I am very familiar with the main point, the sub-points of the goods,and expert in writing the detailed English inspection report, including particulars pictures of the products, the goods qualified pictures, spot defects.
The mainly products of our company are: furniture, jeans, plastic, handbags, hardware, toys, appliances, ceramics and so on.
Our products involves widely and contact with many kinds of other goods,sold to many countries like: Japan, the United States, Africa, Europe.
I am a person that have serious attitude, justice, and excellence on working.

Telephone number:13822230310 qq: 2576031988


Provide professional part-time service for factory audit, cargo inspection and container loading supervision in Guangdong area.I've over ten years' richful experiences on quality management, products development and trading company's QC supervisor. Now I'm working at a third-party company. Quite Familiar with the production processes and quality control about electrical, hardware, wooden, plastic products and toys. Either Chinese or English reports can be provided din 24 hours after the inspection.
Welcome for long-term part-time cooperation opportunity。

加拿大电商昨天我把提单复件发给了客户,今天收到了他回信,如下: Dear Nicholas, please send all shipping documents. We will check B/L copy and we will reply ASAP. Thank you Best Regards ......................................... 加拿大电商刚从事这行半年,对电子行业不了解,自己整理了些,算是学习,供大家分享,也请大家补充。我毕竟是个文科生,对这方面知识严重欠缺。 DVD:英文全名是Digital Video Disk, 即数字视频光
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