有兴趣交流验货经验和需要做兼职验货员的朋友请加微信 :13040115111评论
QCIC Profile
QCIC is a leading services provider for Quality Inspection, Factory audit, Laboratory testing and smart quality solutions.
We are an Certification Body Inspection representative office from 2007 to 2017, and from 2017, we register as a Chinese local company to achieve the local accreditation and certificated (accreditation only available for local register company); We have 12+years inspection services experience for international brand, global importers, buyers, retailers, supermarket, whole sale, e-commerce seller and distributors.
QCIC located central of SHENZHEN city of China.
We are committed to helping clients reduce risk and cost in purchase with our professional knowledge and technical skill, become their most reliable partner in international or domestic importers, sellers and buyers.
To deliver this value to our clients, we make every effort to understand our end-users' needs and translate those needs into superior services by maximizing our capabilities. Our team is made up of the most distinguished engineers with years of experience in this industry.
We have sixes offices and more than 500 Full Time inspectors in China, QCIC's engineer team covers all Major citys of China:
Guangdong: Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Dongguan, Foshan, Zhongshan, ZhuHai, ZhanJiang, ChaoZhou;
Zhejiang: Ningbo, Cixi, YuYao, ShangYu, ShaoXing, JiaXing, HuZhou, YongKang, JinHua, WuYi, YiWu, Hangzhou, Taizhou, Wenzhou;
Fujian: Fuzhou, Quanzhou, Xiamen, ZhangZhou, LongYan;
Jiangsu: Nanjing, Suzhou, Wuxi, XuZhou, Lianyungang, HuaiAn, YangZhou, TaiZhou, Yancheng, Nantong, Changzhou;
Shandong: Qingdao, YanTai, WeiHai, Zibo, LinYi, RiZhao, WeiFang, JiNan, ZhaoZhuang;
Anhui: Hefei, WuHu, AnQing, ChiZhou, XuanCheng;
Hebei: ShiJiaZhuang, XingTai, CangZhou, TangShan, LangFang, BaoDing;
Hubei: Wuhan, JingZhou, XiangYang;
Guangxi: BeiLiu, YuLin, GuiLin, WuZhou;
Hunan: ChangSha, ZhuZhou, LiLing, ChenZhou, YiYang, ShaoYang;
Jiangxi: NanChang, GanZhou,YiChun, ShangRao, JiAn;
Henan: ZhengZhou;
Liaoning: ShenYang, DaLian;
Sichuang: ChengDu
Today we have grown to be able to arrange inspectors going to client's supplier in China within 24 hours and send to client an inspection or audit report within 24 hours.
Our office is equipped with high voltage tester, grounding tester, power meter, frequency conversion power supply, standard color controller, pantone card, photometer, anemometer, sound tester, humidity meter and other measuring instruments to facilitate client performance testing samples.
We are not traders or sourcing agents, we are just your quality controllers in China!
Our Mission
Providing the best inspection and auditing services, to enable more midsize and small-sized importers and buyers to get high-quality products and services.
Our Vision
Striving to be a China leading provider of quality control and project management based on a thorough understanding of client needs and requirements.
Our Values
Client First---Doing our best to make our clients more successful in what they do.
Honest---Making no compromise on integrity, and maintain the highest ethical standards in everything we do.
Innovating---Constantly learning and mastering new standards and technologies to better improve and meet more and more changing requirements.
Client Testimonials
We are in partnership with QCIC since 2013. During this period we have ordered hundreds of inspections. We always got feedback in time. When we gave complex inspection orders we always had possibility to discuss details and adjust work procedures to have the best results. On the other hand we always met reasonable price for the inspection. I recommend to work with this company.
------ By Alejandra, Argentina
QCIC just like our eyes in China, we have worked with QCIC for inspections since 2013, professional team, fast service and detailed reports, we will recommend QCIC Inspection to other import companies I know in USA.
------ By Matthew Hill, USA
We have ordered many times inspections and audits, good knowledge and best team, helped us solve quality issues and saved us a lot of money.
------ Shida,Japan
专注于:箱包手袋,电器类, 机械类,五金类产品,钢铁类,杂货, 家具厨具,塑料类产品,化妆品玻璃瓶管,劳保类,汽车配件类等等.
个人自备卷尺,胶带纸,千分尺,卡尺,壁厚仪, 潘通色卡等验货工具,对产品质量有清晰的,独立的判断能力,与工厂也有良好的沟通、协调能力. 对工作认真负责,并且诚实公正.相信以本人专业的理解能力,判断能力,专业能力和检验能力,可以为客户杜绝有质量问题的产品,消除风险存在,减少不必要的经济损失.
本人宗旨: 客户对产品质量追求,是本人工作的唯一目标
QQ: 1903015470
电话136 0281 7606 (微信同号)
邮箱[email protected]
Evan,寻求兼职验货。现居住广州,曾经在两家欧美大型连锁百货公司做专职验货员,到目前为止,有11年丰富验货经验、熟悉第三方验货流程。具备扎实各种领域的欧洲及美国市场及标准,及各种产品测试标准数据。在过去十一年工作中,熟悉电子产品,手机配件,大小家电,灯饰、实木&板式、五金家具(实木、板式、五金、办公、编藤、皮革沙发),玩具(毛绒,塑胶电动)、衣服、鞋子、家纺、厨房不锈钢用具、五金卫浴、木制品、户外用品(BBQ、帐蓬)、箱包、包包(皮革、布质)、陶瓷、印刷品、文具、礼品、皮革用品、玻璃、汽配、发电机、杂货。熟练上述产品原料、工艺、物理性能、安全测试、品质允收标准! 本人具备流利说、读、写能力(流利英语口语)。现在专兼职!
以上价格合理,具备高度责任心,工作出发点:客户利益永远大于自己利益,同时打造个人全心全意为客户服务,非常真诚与客户建立长期合作关系 。
Phone Number:180 2856 9368
E-mail:[email protected]
如有需要请联系:Nicole /Tony
TEL:13362488665 /13362488667 QQ:314290616 / 110478215
Email: [email protected]
简历投递:[email protected]
专业第三方可开票,全国均可安排验货,欢迎随时来电咨询 15306546882微信同号, QQ:164100298 。
加拿大电商昨天我把提单复件发给了客户,今天收到了他回信,如下: Dear Nicholas, please send all shipping documents. We will check B/L copy and we will reply ASAP. Thank you Best Regards ......................................... 加拿大电商刚从事这行半年,对电子行业不了解,自己整理了些,算是学习,供大家分享,也请大家补充。我毕竟是个文科生,对这方面知识严重欠缺。 DVD:英文全名是Digital Video Disk, 即数字视频光
·学习交流 纽卡斯尔大学的MBA
·生活百科 出口有限按需