

Subject From: Mr. Sanusi Lamido Sanisi,  
Sent Date 2010-08-10 Read Date 2010-08-21
From smith james (California Air Freshener Co )     
Message From: Mr. Sanusi Lamido Sanisi,
Governor Central Bank of Nigeria.

Dear friend,

Complement of the season to you and your family, I am Mr. Sanusi Lamido Sanusi Governor central bank of Nigeria, I am contacting you in line with the President Goodluck Jonathan quest to re-brand Nigeria, the president of the federal republic of Nigeria has mandated the central bank of Nigeria to compensate all foreigners who lost their money in the process to claim their fund with the central bank of Nigeria in the past years.

So after going through the files of the foreigners who lost their money on my desk I discover that you have lost a lot of money and have not received any money from the central bank of Nigeria neither the federal government of Nigeria so I decide that it is very important to compensate you. Note a bank draft has been issued on your name and I wish to inform you that the president has instruct the central bank of Nigeria not to request for any charges such as handling charge or tax from any of the foreign beneficiary of this fund.

Finally, I wish to inform you that the draft can be cash in any part of the world, so kindly send me your current home or office address to enable the courier company deliver the draft to you, also send me a copy of your passport or identity so that I will be sure that I am dealing with the rightful person. Kindly forward the above information to my private email: [email protected]

Expecting your urgent response.

Yours faithfully,

Mr. Sanisi Lamido Sanusi.
Governor Central bank of Nigeria.

N/B this is email is been sent to you through our consultant so the company information on this web site is not relevant




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