Where there were no legal or agreed reasons within the term of this agreement, this agreement shall not be cancelled by any one party. Where the economic loss was caused, the compensation shall be made. If the loss of shutting down of the production was caused in case that the materials had not arrived from Party A, Party A shall make the compensation at 50% of contracted amount per one day.
[ 本帖最后由 TeddyWang 于 2010-4-25 23:30 编辑 ]
Within the terms and conditions of this xontract, without legal and reasonable assumpsit reasons, this agreement shall not be free from unilateral part. The losses and expenses incurred by either part,should be liable by another part.The suspension of the buyer`s plant made the losses due to materials not having arrived from the Seller. The seller shall make the compensation at 50% of contracted cost per one day as per the contract stipulated.
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