with reference to the tender of messrs_____in connection with the adjudication no___ for the supply of ____to the buyer's department.We hereby undertaking to hold at your disposal ,as provisional deposit,free of interest and payable in cash on the buyer first written and not with standing any contestation by the tenderer,the sum of ____,this undertaking remains in force until a decision is taken on the tender and (in the event of the whole or part of the tender being accepted )until such time as the above mentioned tenderers have provided such final guarantee deposit as may be required by the said authority,but will in any case automatically expire on the ____.
Consequently,any claim in respect there of should be made to us by the ____for extension or payment should be at the latest should we receive no claim from you by that date ,our liability will cease "IPSO FACTO"and the present letter of guarantee will definitely become null and void.
Pls return to us this letter of guarantee on expiry date for concellation.
in case this letter of guarantee is issued by foreign bank ,therefore it should be confirmed by his correspondent bank in A.R.E. by adding the following text to the letter of guarantee :
"contents of which we confirm and engage ourselves"
"Toward the buyer according to its terms"
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