Thanks for your response, we are interested in the purchase of your product, but first I want you to understand that the money for the purchase of your products is as a result of over invoice in a contract executed in my ministry , which the original contractor has been paid for a very long time, and this over invoiced of $36million dollar has been flowting in our record as unclaimed money, this money has to be paid to foreign company as sister company to the original company that executed the contract,Inview of this me and my partiner has made every arrengement to transfer this fund without any hinch Therefore we solicit for your help to make claim to this money, you will be compensated with 20% while 10% of the total sum, will be used to upset any expenses that we may incurred during the perfection of this business afterwards we will use part of this money to import your product.Therefore we want you to indicate your interest in helping us get this fund out of here by sending to us
1) Your Full Name/Company Name
2) Your identification
We will use this information’s to program your name in our system as the rightful beneficiary of the Fund.
Note: That this business is 100$ risk free.
不知道对不对,您将就的看一下吧,其中会有错误的,(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……新人一个
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