

Built-in chargers  and  Batteries
           ...... and other models with appropriative charger, and custom built-in high capacity lithium iron rechargeable batteries, please follow the instructions to operate.  The charger's charge current at  800 mA.  about 5 hours  of  full   batteries. In  addition , when the temperature is less then 10 degrees below zero,the batteries' capacity will be decline 35%,and batteries life is  about  1000 cycles. When the batteries charged sufficient, the sensors battery indicator is  green. When the batteries charged insufficient, the sensors battery indicator is red and flicker, tips response to  charge the batteries. When the batteries need to be  charged,  will be located charging plug in the cabinet side plug into the sensors power jack . When sensors charging  indicator is red .When the sensors  battery sufficient, indicator is  green. moreover, optional  extended power line can be charged while in the normal use of the sensors.



1)the batteries' capacity will be decline 35% 中的"be"要去掉
2)When the batteries charged sufficient, the sensors battery indicator is  green 这里改成“will be green”似乎更好,其他句子中比如变红也相应改过来
3)"and batteries life is  about  1000 cycles" 改成“the battery lifespan will be 1000 circles”是不是会更妥帖些?

…and other models, all with approprative chargers and customed high capacity built-in rechargeable lithium-iron batteries. Please follow the instructions attached while operating. The batteries can be fully charged after about 5 hours’ work of the charger at 800 mA level. The capacity would reduce to 65% of normal when temprature lower than 10 degrees below zero. Normally the service life shall be 1000 charging cycles. When full charged, the indicator goes green;otherwise, goes red and flickers, warning it should be charged. When battery needs charging, please put the plug of charger, which located on the side of cabinet, into the power jack of sensor. This time the indicator is red and will go green when battery charged full. And more, the sensor could be nornally used while charging its battery by using of extended power line.

Type,Equipment,exclusive charger & custom made built-in high capacity lithium iron Rechargeable batteries,Please follow the instructions,charger charging's  electric current should be:800mA,full charge need 5 hours appr,the batteries's capacity will 0ff 35% automatically when temperature is below 10 degrees,battery lifetime is about 1000 charging circles.the indicator will be in green color when power is full & in red color and flashing all time when power is week,showing that you need to recharge immedately.When recharge the batteries,insert the cabinet on the side power plug into the socket to charge,the sensors will be in red color when charging,indicator turns green when power is full,Plus optional long extension power wire can be charged while the sensors is in regular use.




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