旅馆安排及就餐标准Hotel Arrangements & Meal Standards(1) 出差时如需住宿,应尽可能住公司的协议旅馆。如目的地没有协议旅馆,或员工自找旅馆,标准间或单间价格每间每天标准如下:
If it is necessary to stay in a hotel when travel, a contracted hotel should be used as possible. If there is no contracted hotel in destination, or employee find hotel himself. Standards for standard room or single room per room per day are as follows:
(2) 除L2及L2以上的经理以外,其他员工一同出差,同性别的员工应合住标准间。员工合住的标准可上浮一级按L2标准执行。
Except L2 & L2 above managers, other employee travel together, employee of the same gender should share a standard room. Standard could be raised one level as L2 for employee share one room.
语序调整一下 措辞稍改改
[ 本帖最后由 milo041 于 2010-12-1 15:01 编辑 ]
旅馆安排及就餐标准Hotel Arrangements & Meal Standards
(1) 出差时如需住宿,应尽可能住公司的协议旅馆。如目的地没有协议旅馆,或员工自找旅馆,标准间或单间价格每间每天标准如下:
If it is necessary to stay in a hotel when travel, a contracted hotel should be first option. If there is no contracted hotel avaible, the optional hotel room P/P/P should follow the standard list under.
2) 除L2及L2以上的经理以外,其他员工一同出差,同性别的员工应合住标准间。员工合住的标准可上浮一级按L2标准执行。
Exclude the manager above L2 & L2, rest employee who travel in the team, the same gender shoulde share a standard room. If it is a shared room, then the P/P/P Standard could be raised one level up as L2 standard.
我看了看,我里面也有不少语法错误, 你自己改改吧,我懒得再发了
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