

1.        透光性好,表面平滑,釉质上乘
2.        其中XX和XX系列的图案都是由机械自动雕刻出来,非人工,而且盘子双面的图案是对称的。
3.        除了碗和杯碟,XX系列的图案可由机械自动雕刻出来,也可由人工加工出来。
4.        我们的产品在国内市场已经拥有自己的品牌,每个城市只有一个代理商,既保证了质量和也避免恶性的价格竞争
5.        我们从客户下单到出货都有自己的软件来管理,有任何的错误,软件都可以帮我们可以追查到哪个工人的错误。严谨的管理制度,既保证了产量,也确保了质量。
6.        我们为你提供最好的产品和售后服务。
7.     我们产品的质量在强化瓷之上,在骨瓷之下。


1.        Transmission of light is good, the surface is smooth and enamel is superior quality.
2.        Both of XX and XX texture series of design are all by Computer automation comes out.both sides of plate textere are Symmetry
3.        Fabric texture series can comes out by machine and  artificial processing,except  bowl ,cup & saucer .
4.        We have ours own brand name in domestic markets, each city has only one agent, guarantees produces quality and avoid vicious price competition at the same time.
5.        From customer place an order to complete delivery. we have own sofeware to help us to manage produce , if have any mistakes,,it will find out who make it.  Not only ensure the quantity but also    guarantee the quality.
6.        We will provide you with the best products and services.
7.        The quality of our products is better than strengthen porcelain and lower than bone porcelain .

[ 本帖最后由 patty-chu 于 2010-12-1 12:50 编辑 ]

1.        透光性好,表面平滑,釉质上乘
Pefect Light transparent ceramic,smoothest Surface & Top-grade enamel
2.        其中XX和XX系列的图案都是由机械自动雕刻出来,非人工,而且盘子双面的图案是对称的。
Both xx & xx patterns were engraved by machine but not by artificial ,both side patterns can always in good condition.
3.        除了碗和杯碟,XX系列的图案可由机械自动雕刻出来,也可由人工加工出来。
All XX patters can be engraved by machine or artificial processing,except bowls,cups & dishes.
4.        我们的产品在国内市场已经拥有自己的品牌,每个城市只有一个代理商,既保证了质量和也避免恶性的价格竞争
Having our own brand in our local market,keep 1 agent only in each city to avoid unqualified price & ensure perfect quality.

5. 我们从客户下单到出货都有自己的软件来管理,有任何的错误,软件都可以帮我们可以追查到哪个工人的错误。严谨的管理制度,既保证了产  量,也确保了质量。
Customized software programs and manages the whole procedure for order receipt to delivery,which ensures any tiny mistake is traceable to the exact operator. The systemic management ensures production on both quantity and quality.
6.        我们为你提供最好的产品和售后服务。
  We offer you best possible quality product and after-sales service.
7.     我们产品的质量在强化瓷之上,在骨瓷之下。
  Our product quality is between ** and **.

[ 本帖最后由 livemocha 于 2010-11-30 18:13 编辑 ]

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