

我以前一个月前报过一份报价单给客户 , 客户同意寄样品。现在样品已经在打样了,可是老板说价格已经比以前高了(原因应该有很多:报价单有效期一个月,原材料涨,年末工人短缺,等等)我应该在什么时候给客户说我们的价格已经比以前高了,才不会失掉这客户?而且怎么样用婉转的英语表达现在的价格已经高了?跪求高手帮忙,小弟不想失掉第一个客户啊。。。在此先万分感谢!


Dear X XX,

I am so sorry for the late reply for this mail.

MY BOSS came back to the office. After crosschecking with HIM, I feel sorry to inform you that the best possible prices are the still same as the previous order. For we must assure you the quality in accordance with the price.The price we offer last time is already our best price, as our products are in high qulity, high standard, but I think the price is much reasonable.

Maybe you think that why other supplier can offer the lower price, but you know that in the serious competition of this line,someone in order to develop new customer, offer lowest price, but when make the production, put the second quality into the first grade.That is the wise way for them to extand their market, but the customer will not place the repeat order at all.

We are in line with the wooden hangers for many years, and with great fame for the high quality,and the quantity of our customers greatly increased per year as they place the repeat orders one by one.

I hope this is helpful for you to understand why our price high than others.I wish to help you but I have no way, however, I can make sure the high qulity.

Any problems and comments, please feel free to contact me.

Thanks and best regards,]

Dear xxx,

How are you. Hope all fine.

Regarding your below e-mail - we have already checked with our client and he say this is our repeat order and we really need your co-operation - as we know your quality is good - but also please note there is a tough competition in the market - so for our future co-operation - please check one more time and try to give us your best possible prices and also please fax us the pruchase contract asap.

Awaiting your reply.


Dear XXX,

Good day.

Thanks very much for your faithful message.

Yes, I have awared of the tough competition in the whole market, but I pay more attention to the quality than the price. I know that lower price can attract more and more clients, but I know better that higher qulity can attract more and more customers placing more and more repeat order.

So I am afraid that our cooperation is only to make for the qulity. For the last order, we were charged with lots of extra charge becouse of your high requrement of the products.

After check again and again, it is truely very hard for us, as the price is really rather favorable for you, and price for other new customers is 5% higher than what we offered you.

Your supports and sincere cooperation is highly appreciated to us.

We will issue the sales contract to you as soon as the price confirmed.

Thanks and best regards
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