加拿大进出口外贸no matter what


i am ashamed of my poor english that brought pains for me,many guys who experienced ever may be same with me,there are two different decisions which result in two different occasions directly.One is active and can face setbacks correctly no matter that is funs or blames,fortunately  these guys get a amazing result out their imagination,some one ever told me life like a flying helicopter,there is always some diffeculties need to be figured out at the moment when it starts to spread out in sky.Most of us  failed owing to be defeated in the start of this game that many competitors want to succeed are longing for win at the end.Naturally,we can find out the point why so many people are failures,but only few can stand on the peak of mountain that each one  is climbering in same time.It is insistence which most of us are lack of.Who own the faith to win and to practice,it is no doult the godness of victory will hug him.Because of lackness of insistence,we failed,then to compalain,sometimes,we can wakr up from failure,sometimes we keep failling that should bringmany summuries why we are afailurer,why we are so far from victory.Inversly,we choose anther way to face life ,when faillings turn into a mormal thing in life,everything means nothing to us,absolutely a failurer we real are.A failurer,who is defeated by himself.When you think you are a failurer,i swear to bet you will be.When you think you are born to be a winner,you will be also.I just are stopping to be a winner,i assure i will be a winner,no forever ,no body will be a failurer forever,only the sick believe they have failured at the beginning.Every one have different gift on different aspects.
Stop to write this moment,everything is just a gust of wind,no matter whatever happened,only horrizon in vast sky.


what is that mean ?

刚从那个 ”让人最恐怖的12个英文单词“ 帖子过来,咋一看,我还以为又一个”恐怖“的单词!!!原来是一段话,抱歉啊,sorry.........

是篇文章啊 鼓励我们是吧 哈哈

some wrong spellings

[ 本帖最后由 Eriland2010 于 2011-3-20 11:16 编辑 ]

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