这位印度人的我实在不能确定,请看看,帮忙,谢谢yes i saw it ..... it s being attached .. but are you sure that you could produce 170 kg/ 180 kg barrel .
agree to your request ... the pricing pls check with your superiors ... then if you say yes to us we will send our courier team to collect it from you ,,
please as a special case why cant you make it in a small pack and and make it ready for the parcel ... please we need to do the business ,,its not just e-mail and love chat .. we need very badly to do the business .. as i mentioned earlier that we are looking forward to have containers to be purchased .. and pls not that before that i will come and visit your factory too.
[ 本帖最后由 helen8811 于 2011-3-31 10:43 编辑 ]
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