泄水天沟到洞口的边坡未完成喷凝土卯锚干挂网喷护,恐雨季到来造成边坡冲刷,连带雨水夹带表土流入排水沟渠中。现场已告知施工单位驻地人员shotcrete bolt with wire mesh support has not been completed for slope from cullis to portal, we are afraid this will cause slope erosion in rainy season, flow into drainage ditch with rain and surface soil. Site personnel of construction unit have been notified
on-site concrete construction for 11# pier body has been finished, construction scaffolding facilities is incomplete and, it has not been sealed and forbidden to use prior to removal. Construction scaffolding is not standardized in cap beam rebar binding operation of 12# pier, Upper and lower bamboo access walkway is not fastened and railing of each layer has not been restored after removal. Construction unit has been notified to rectify immediately.
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