They need you to say "there is no timber or timber products in the shippment货 发出去了,客户要我填个表,然后说了 上面那句,是 什么意思呀
Prohibited packaging material statement
(Prohibited packaging materials such as straw, bamboo, peat, hay, chaff, used fruit & vegetable cartons, etc)
Q1 Have prohibited packaging materials or bamboo products been used as packaging or dunnage in the consignment covered by this document?
A1 Yes No
Timber packaging/dunnage statement
(Timber packaging/dunnage includes crates, cases, pallets, skids and any other timber used as a shipping aid. This statement is not required if timber is declared to be ISPM 15 compliant.)
Q2 Has timber packaging/dunnage been used in consignments covered by this document?
A2 Yes No
ISPM 15 statement
(This statement is only required if timber packaging/dunnage is declared.)
Q3 All timber packaging/dunnage used in the consignment has been treated and marked in compliance with ISPM 15
A3 Yes No
Bark statement
(This statement is applicable to all timber packing material, including ISPM 15 compliant material. Bark is the external natural layer covering trees and branches. This statement is only required if timber/packaging dunnage is declared using the timber or ISPM 15 statements.)
Q4 Is all timber packaging/dunnage used in this consignment free from bark?
A4 Yes No
Signed: Date of issue:
(Company representative)
你不知道你就填写???服了你了·· 你自己去找你经理请罪吧···
我 没填啊 所以来问了
证实货物里没有实木 (不然有的国家需要免熏蒸证明)我知道澳大利亚就需要的~~还有一些国家
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