Episode INarrator: Mr.Shanbo Liang who travel through several thousand years come to 21 century to look for Mrs.Yingtai Zhu
Mr.Liang: Ah, you re my girl? I finally find you and marry with me
Mrs.Zhu: Mr.Liang dou you have a lot of money, a cottage or a Porsche?
Mr.Liang: No
Mrs.Zhu's mother: Please look at the Mr.Ma not only the house but also many cars in his home. Yingtai, you had better marry with him. I promise that you will be happy
Mrs.Zhu: Dear mom, go to see him at once
Episode II
Mr.Ma: what do you think about it? marry me?
Mrs.Zhu: Wencai, do you love me
Mr.Ma:I love you deeply! all mine belong to you
Mrs.Zhu: Is it the real? 相公。。。
Episode III
Narrator: Mr.Ma'father is accused of the bribery and they lost all standing and reputation
Mr.Ma'father: Well, hell! we have nothing now. Forget it, it is most important to be alive
let's run away with all my money.. Go!
Mr.Ma: Dad,wait a minute. Yingtai ,i am sorry to you, we had better flee in different way ,bye!
Episode IIII
Narrator: Zhu walk along the street and see the the Shanbo suddenly who lean against the balcony railing
Mrs.Zhu: Shanbo,i finally know Don’t take things too serious you are the real to me. i am back and i'd like to marry to you
Mr.Liang: i also understand I love the Yingtai before several thousand years rather than now who is hypocritical
So, you can go now
Mrs.Zhu: Oh 。。 my Liang
[ 本帖最后由 candylia 于 2011-9-6 12:40 编辑 ]
So interesting & reality......
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