邮件说:这是我们在印度的负责人写的,我认为如果你们想要继续与我们合作以便获得长期利益,请仔细阅读:The 7 deadly sins of Chinese factories
If you purchase from China, there is one thing you have noticed: prices are going up, often by 10-25% a year. The reason is not that manufacturers are increasing their margins, but that their costs are rising very fast.
Yet, these same factories are under more and more intense pricing pressure from their customers.
Which manufacturers will survive and turn out a profit over the next 10 years? Those who increase their efficiency (by reducing waste in their operations or by increasing throughput) and/or who raise their production quality.
What will it take for them to reach these goals? I see 7 obstacles they will need to address:
1. Short term focus
Right now, most exporters are focused on surviving, and if possible on getting enough for the boss to get a new car (or for his wife to buy another apartment).
But there also seems to be an aspect of Chinese culture that pushes every one to focus on the short term. It makes it extremely hard for companies to sustain a long-term investment aiming at improving the organization.
2. No pride of workmanship
Why are they in business? For money, of course. Very few manufacturers here care about a nice workmanship, a new design, or a defect-free production run.
It is very frustrating to explain to factory technicians that products must look better, and to realize that people nod politely (if at all) and actually don’t care. All they want to know is “what is the absolute lowest effort we can make?” Not a great customer retention strategy…
3. Focus on “making production”
Go inside a factory building, and you will see everyone trying to get the products out of the door. In 95% of cases, the shop floor is an absolute chaos.
The problem is, no one wants to stop the line when they notice bad quality, since they are paid by the number of pieces they make. As long as this attitude subsists, quality will be inconsistent.
4. No respect of workers
Ten years ago, it seemed like the Chinese workforce was endless. Unskilled workers were easily disposable. Fear was an effective motivator (“follow the rules, or you are out”).
The problem is, the situation has changed much faster than managerial methods. Training the operators and retaining them should become one of the top objectives.
5. Compartmentalization of activities
It is very common for factories to prepare prototypes in one place, and to produce the corresponding order in another floor (or to subcontract it to a different company). But development, engineering, and production should work hand in hand.
Another problem is the young and aggressive salespeople who say ‘yes’ to all requests, in their search for new orders. In the end, customers are disappointed and look for another source.
6. No analytical accounting
To reduce costs, it is important to know where they come from. Not only don’t most Chinese companies use analytical accounting tools, but their tax evasion tactics often deprive them of any accurate accounting!
They have no idea how much non-quality (rework, re-order of components, discounts, lost customers) costs them, for example. So why make an effort?
7. No interest in best practices
Most factory bosses have copied the way another manufacturer — often a previous employer — was organized. To them, the way to make money is to grow up, while keeping costs down… and occasionally screwing a few customers.
They are usually not interested in running experiments or purchasing software/machinery to improve their organization. If there is one thing that makes me pessimistic about Chinese manufacturing, it is this lack of curiosity in new methods.
I guess my 7 “deadly sins” are related. But where does it start? Probably by seeing good examples and copying them. Or maybe by starting new factories from scratch, with better management?
[ 本帖最后由 luofeng96 于 2011-9-15 10:58 编辑 ]
实话 但是阿三的管理 质量 比我们垃圾100倍 这是国情决定的
中国制造必将经过转型期 不是一口能吃成个胖子了
低价格 低价格 全世界最会要低价的就是啊三 不是要低价 而且没有忠诚度 我们的工厂至于这样么
当价格不再是客人接受的最低标准 大浪淘沙 最后生存下来的才是精华
还有就是不注重实际生产中的成本分析和控制,一味只看重销售利润,并不懂得合理控制rework, re-order of components, discounts, lost customers。
值得借鉴学习, 现在人们太浮躁啦, 啥时候是个头啊,
加拿大电商刚从事这行半年,对电子行业不了解,自己整理了些,算是学习,供大家分享,也请大家补充。我毕竟是个文科生,对这方面知识严重欠缺。 DVD:英文全名是Digital Video Disk, 即数字视频光 加拿大电商昨天我把提单复件发给了客户,今天收到了他回信,如下: Dear Nicholas, please send all shipping documents. We will check B/L copy and we will reply ASAP. Thank you Best Regards .........................................
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