You must test in different sieves first of all the sieve number 8 it means 2.38 mm, the retain porcentaje must be maximal 10 or maybe much better 5, then, you must use the sieve according to the ASTM norm number 140, it means 0.105mm, in this sieve, must pass the following percentage maximal 15 or much better 10 percentage, so you must check in volumen in both sieves.哪位福友能给翻译一下,感激不尽!
[ 本帖最后由 四色依米 于 2011-10-14 22:17 编辑 ]
他在让你做筛选sieve, 你必须用不同的筛选(尺寸)
首先用8,意思是2.38mm,剩余porcentaje必须是最大10或可能比5好的多,然后,你必须根据ASTM norm number140 筛选, 意思是0.105mm,在这个筛选里,必须通过下面的百分比最大 15或比10%好的多。所以你必须在两次筛选里检查数量
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