Could you please let us know of the operating speeds (driving and overrunning) for the application that these clutches will be used for? Please also confirm whether it would be outer race or inner race overrunning谁能告诉我黑体部分怎么理解比较好。。。。。outer or inner race overrunning????
关键就是这个overrunning,怎么翻译比较准确。 是说离合器的
[ 本帖最后由 Sally1218 于 2012-7-10 14:58 编辑 ]
overrunning超速?我觉得跟速度相关吧,根据前面说的,虽然不了解离合器,那个什么outer race和inner race是什么东西也不知道
Hello 有人吗??? 内环或外环驱动? 还是内环或外环超越?
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