我还有个办法, 就是在自然黑毛里混合掺入一些染黑的毛, 这样做出的产品底部(最下端)就不会太过于发红颜色了!而且成本也不会增加太多! 你认为如何呢?[ 本帖最后由 iamwsy 于 2013-4-29 15:37 编辑 ]
I have another idea: put some painted black hair into the natural hair, so that the bottom won't be too red and the it will not cost too much. What do you say?
There is a way, that is mixed with some in the natural black hair dyed black hair, this makes the product at the bottom (the bottom) would not be too much red color! And the cost will not increase too much! What do you think?
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