我想您没有完全明白我的意思,我的意思是您现在只需要看看1.3克这种手套的质量,长度,宽度, 颜色如何,如果您觉得还可以,我们再给您生产符合您要求的手套,到时候您也不需要付打样费,如果您想看1克的样品,我们也可以免费提供.
[ 本帖最后由 贾淑雪 于 2014-3-12 10:39 编辑 ]
I don't think you fully understand what I mean. I mean, you now just need to look at the quality , length, width, color of of this gloves (1.3gram). If you think the glove is ok, We then reproduce gloves that meet your requirements, you no need to pay anything, about the Proofing fee, If you want to see 1 g sample, we can also provide free of charge.
太直接了,Sorry for my poor expression, obviously you didn't fully understand what i mean. I was to say: You just need to check the quality, length, width, color of this gloves (1.3g), if all of them are ok, then we can reproduce gloves according to this standard,
In this way,you don't need to pay any samples cost and can save time also. of course, if you wanna see the samples of 1g type glove, we also can provide free of charge
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