::5 ::5 After wrote many Englsih working diarys , working in Germany company, make some foreign friends, i am determined to start a post to share and record my foreign trade life. The core is that i have studyed so long in FOB forum, to cultivate a special space here to communicate with the friends. it's my Pleasure. Looking forward something fabulous and new to come评论
1.What the mind can conceive, it can achieve!
Cultivating an open-mind is an investment that allows us to reap great rewards that can never be realized without it.
[ 本帖最后由 pr0fessional 于 2016-2-17 17:52 编辑 ]
Initially,I haven’t realized the influence of changing little by little everyday.For example,I have insisted on doing push ups for at least two weeks.At first,I just can do 30 push ups,if I want to finish 60 at that moment,it’s really difficult for me.However,I will do more 5 than before.When I look back,it’s unbelievable that I have done 100 each night in two weeks.And I will continue,it’s unknown how many I can finish on earth.But one point we can be sure,that will become several times than ever before.Another case is ,good habits and bad one always be in our life,the time is limited,if we decide to spend time on bad one,the good can be ignored.So I decided to insist on something different,it means that I never reach or see,no matter how big the case is.
[ 本帖最后由 pr0fessional 于 2016-3-24 08:54 编辑 ]
It was about approximately more than three months since I have left the city which I used to live in. Frankly speaking, compared to the lifestyle when I was in China, it has a superiority whether from the material life or the fundamental environment. So it would make easier let people have a break occasionally, and I’m no exception. It didn’t take long before I got used to living abroad. When you just arrive a new country, picking up the local custom and being polite is definitely a must for getting into the local lives more quickly. We all take an active part in some activities for international students, like the international dinner, the international music…Foreign and domestic life are quite different from the knowledge,skills and the insights. So sometimes it has been a true pleasure, highlighting the kind of enjoyable cultural exchange that can enliven expat life.
However, everything has two sides. You will get extra time on your hand, how to manage time effectively seems to be a challenge when you living abroad. That’s why I’m proud of my work now. When the inner curiosity and impulse began to fade, the desire to success is still like that the days in KMUST. But the period isn’t with an amount of ideals or not even a single one, but the appropriate one. I begin to realize how important it is to step out of the previous lifestyle once in a while. I begin to make a little bit progress everyday. I begin to realize the English has been a lifestyle in my life. For insisting on writing my blog, once I’ve noticed myself writing a phrase I’ve used before, I would stop for a moment and slow down. I need to add some new elements to stay creative. It is recognized that there are many shortcomings for me to improve, I believe it would make better when I be back. And if you are reading this right now, you will probably need to try it.
[ 本帖最后由 pr0fessional 于 2016-3-24 08:55 编辑 ]
Very excited to get feedbacks from you, which will stimulate me to constantly update this post, thank you, mark
今天给国外客户打了个电话,虽然好紧张,但是那种感觉好爽, 我以后一定要经常打啊, 初生牛犊不怕虎的勇气要永远在心中,要是我英语再流利就好了 加油
[ 本帖最后由 pr0fessional 于 2016-2-15 17:17 编辑 ]
I will be out of the office/I’m at Canton Fair from (日期)to (日期). I'll reply you ASAP.
If immediate assistance is required, please contact me by telephone at: 0086-(手机电话)
Our booth no.:
[ 本帖最后由 pr0fessional 于 2016-2-15 17:16 编辑 ]
首先,初学者可以从VOA Special English开始,因为VOA是最纯正的英语之一。大家不管是听磁带还是网络在线收听,第一遍,泛听,放松心态,先把握整体的意思就行。很多人都说听不懂,很多单词不懂之类的,其实那是我们没适应英语的节奏。第二遍,精听,这时候要主动句子与句子之间的联系,弄清楚这个新闻要表达的意思,包括一些新闻的细节。第三遍,可以对照原文进行精听,这时候要模仿每个单词的发音,每个句子的语音语调,连读,专业词汇的用法,以及整篇文章的节奏。不懂就多听几遍。最后一个步骤,可以用自己的语言复述一下这个文章所要表达的意思就行了。
都是要互相学习的,各有各的特点嘛, 你口语比较好, 我要向你多学习。
你真的很不错,加油哦, 是个好苗子!
[ 本帖最后由 pr0fessional 于 2016-2-17 17:40 编辑 ]
可以问下选择别家的原因 我们的不足可以随时改进 希望有机会下次合作 要让他知道你是他的后续考虑的供应商范畴
加拿大电商昨天我把提单复件发给了客户,今天收到了他回信,如下: Dear Nicholas, please send all shipping documents. We will check B/L copy and we will reply ASAP. Thank you Best Regards ......................................... 加拿大电商刚从事这行半年,对电子行业不了解,自己整理了些,算是学习,供大家分享,也请大家补充。我毕竟是个文科生,对这方面知识严重欠缺。 DVD:英文全名是Digital Video Disk, 即数字视频光
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