

1 Near-term impact on India Inc
India Ratings and Research (Ind-Ra) does not expect the novel coronavirus outbreak to materially affect Indian corporates’ supply chains in the near term, provided it remains contained in the Hubei province. In case the virus is transmitted over the next three to four months, the extent of supply chain disruptions globally could be higher than that during the 2003 SARS outbreak. The quantum of impact on sectors would be contingent on the nature of business activity and the nature of linkages the rest of the world has with mainland China. Source: Report by India Ratings

2 Sectors that could be hit
Several Indian industries have a significant direct dependence on supplies from China. Some of these products such as antibiotics, activated pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and fertilizers are critical commodities and any disruption in the supply over the long-term could have far-reaching economic consequences for India.

Textiles and automobiles could also face supply disruptions for critical raw materials.

All this together could further worsen the recovery in industrial production over near to medium term.

3 Weak commodity prices bode well for India
China is a net importer of various commodities globally. Commodities, where the country contributes to a large part of global consumption, are likely to experience pricing pressures over near to medium term. Indian corporates which are net users of these commodities are likely to report an improvement in their debt protection metrics; whereas some of the net producers are likely to be affected.

4 Supply chain disruptions imminent
China accounted for nearly 11% of the global imports and 13% of global exports in 2018. It also serves as an import supplier of various raw materials and intermediate goods. Thus, the supply chains for various global and Indian industries are linked to China. In a situation wherein the outbreak continues for over two quarters, the impact on China’s industrial activity could be substantial – both due to a fall in labour availability and consumption demand.

Fitch Ratings expects the Chinese GDP to grow by 5.50% in 2020 as against 5.90% in its pre-outbreak scenario. However, in a worst case scenario, it expects GDP to drop to 5.2%.

5 China as a transit country
China serves not only as one of the largest importers for many commodities, but also as a transit hub for various supply chains in South and East Asia. Ind-Ra believes if the outbreak continues to spread unabated, these supply chains could temporarily be decapitated, although major trading hubs and ports outside Hubei province are yet to be locked down. The agency expects a severe impact on global trade volumes – which are already under pressure amid mounting uncertainties emanating from geo-political tensions, trade protectionism and Brexit.

6 Limited room for action
Ind-Ra believes that the impact of the 2003 SARS outbreak on global growth, at least in part, was mitigated by the fiscal and monetary policy room available to policy makers globally. World dollar liquidity was abundant while government, corporate and household leverage levels were significantly lower (including in China and India) than their current levels globally.

China’s account surplus, for instance, has already been under pressure and the country has crowded out capital flows to other EMs. Thus, the ability of governments globally to stimulate growth remains limited.

7 Impact of Chinese exports
In a scenario where it takes longer than anticipated to contain the Coronavirus outbreak, the downside risks to global growth could be substantial. Indian exports could be affected at two levels – first, by way of a slowdown in Indian exports to China and second, as global demand recovery remains lacklustre. For instance, India accounts for nearly 16% of China’s cotton imports and 13% of its construction material imports. China’s share in Indian exports for certain commodities is, however, an even larger.








惠誉国际评级(Fitch Ratings)预计,到2020年中国GDP增长5.50%,而爆发前的情景为5.90%。但是,在最坏的情况下,它预计GDP将下降到5.2%。

中国不仅是许多商品的最大进口国之一,而且还是南亚和东亚各种供应链的中转枢纽。 Ind-Ra认为,如果疫情继续蔓延不减,尽管湖北省以外的主要贸易枢纽和港口尚未锁定,但这些供应链可能会暂时被斩首。该机构预计将对全球贸易量产生严重影响。在地缘政治紧张局势,贸易保护主义和英国退欧带来的不确定性日益加剧的情况下,全球贸易量已受到压力。




https://economictimes.indiatimes ... deshow/74113970.cms



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