

Dear Mr Lau,
I am interrested by your products so can you give me the prices of your different items .Thak you and best regards .
Jean Valot

Dear Joe ,
I am sorry  but I did not recieved any of the 5 mails you sent . Maybe there is a problem with aol . Now everything seems to be allrigth and i thank you . My main worry is the quantiy to order that is to important for me, specialy for the first time but I will study the question .
Best regards .
Jean /
Dear John ,
I' m sorry for the problem you encountered in trying to contact me . The reason is certainly  a problem I had with my computer .
I am very pleased of your e-mail .
Can you tell me which is the cost for two HZ-CF004 ( without ottoman if possible ) sent by air  and LCL part shipping to barcelona  .
TT payment is OK .
Thak you very much .
Best regards .
Jean /
当时他也不知道如何清关,也不知道LCL,更不知道海运费如何换算,这个时候我除了把PAYMENT确认在T/T之外,便劝说客人不断使用海运,港口变到BARCELONA。打电话一问,发现走散货 到BARCELONA有特价。5美金一个方,而我这边算了算费用,ORC,DOC,码头建设费,报关费加起来一共才160多美金,而我报给客人是500美金,所以感觉自己服务到位,实际上利润空间也有上游。
Dear joe ,
I am going to achieve my registration in Spain . I don't forget your proposal . I will contact you when every thing is done .
Best regards .
Jean /


[ 本帖最后由 Jacklibra 于 2006-7-14 12:31 编辑 ]

Dear Joe ,

Here are the pictures I took of my Chaise- longue  . This is not the official re-edition by" Cassina" who owns the copy-rigth . Nevertheless,  the quality is good , the main difference with the official one is about the leather that is not so thick on mine . I think your item will be better than this because of full italian leather . What is very important about the leather is that it must be in two parts maximum in the upper side .I saw on the pictures you sent me one of yours ( in white color ), that is in 3 parts , this is not good .
The official one has saddles as yours, not as mine so it will be better .
I think our version of this item will be one of the best avialable on the market, you can comunicate on that point for sure .
Bonne fin de journ閑 Joe et ?bient魌 .
Respectfully ,
Bonjour Joe,

Merci pour les photos .
This LC4 seems to be very nice specialy concerning the quality of the leather . Nevertheless there is a point that could be improved in my opinion . It is about the size of the cover . It seems not to be long enough in the front ( see the attached pictures of my LC4) .Maybe the reason is, that the curved iron part in front seems to be more important than in the original item (or maybe it is a problem of perspective due to the picture ) .
I hope thoses comments could be usefull for you
Amitiés .Jean /

Bonjour Joe,

Merci beaucoup pour tout ce que tu fais .
I saw your pictures with pleasure, there is no doubt that the goods will be "Top class". Just a little remark concerning the packaging : the words  as " Barcelona chairs " and so on must not appears on it .
An other question about the length of the LC4 cover, will it be a little more longer compared to thoses seen on this pitures ?
Jean /
Dear Joe ,

You are really a nice guy . I am sorry for all the difficulties I gave you .But now I am sure, with your help to have all the details clear in my mind .
The order is the same concerning the quantity . the differences will concern the lounge- chairs . I prefer them in full leather, blacks and red one ( price 250 USD ).
Concerning Day-beds there is nothing to change to the initial order . Your drawing is very easy to understand .( Napoleon said : Un dessin vaut mieux qu'un long discours ! A simple drawing is better than a long speach ). You can made the central bottom part in red fabric, it is a good idea , no problem .
Evrything is now OK concerning the order
The only last problem is from my bank account (fiscal number of registration ). My Spanish lawyer told me this afternoon she will do her best to made the deposit transfer possible for thuesday or thursday .
I remember your president Mao said one day that , a long march always begin by a first step . This first step appears for us is not so easy to do, but I hope the march will be long !
Merci pour tout Joe , bon repos et la semaine prochaine .
Jean /

[ 本帖最后由 sexdevil 于 2006-1-9 15:27 编辑 ]

Dear Joe ,
Here are the pictures I took of my Chaise- longue  . This is not the official re-edition by" Cassina" who owns the copy-rigth . Nevertheless,  the quality is good , the main difference with the official one is about the leather that is not so thick on mine . I think your item will be better than this because of full italian leather . What is very important about the leather is that it must be in two parts maximum in the upper side .I saw on the pictures you sent me one of yours ( in white color ), that is in 3 parts , this is not good .
The official one has saddles as yours, not as mine so it will be better .
I think our version of this item will be one of the best avialable on the market, you can comunicate on that point for sure .
Bonne fin de journ閑 Joe et ?bient魌 .
Respectfully ,
Dear Joe ,
This day has not been a good one . Nothing dramatic but I went to Spain for nothing . There is always paper missing ! So I could not send you the deposit (USD, you are rigth ) . It is just the mater of 2 or 3 days and evrything I hope will be allrigth .
Concerning the problems you encountered with the PVC, I am not sure to have understood evrything . Does thoses problems only concern the red color ?
I hope it is .I know the LC 4 longue chair I have one at home and I know of course that the bottom part always appears at sigth, so if it is made of fabric the result will not be good and I prefer that you propose a price for a full leather one, up and bottom .
Concerning the day-bed, the problem seems to be less important but I would like to know if the periferic part of the bottom is in leather to avoid the fabric to be seen ? Can you tell me the price for a red day bed in full leather ?
At last can you tell me the average thickness of the leather used ?
That is a lot of questions , of time lost, excuse me Joe .
We are used to say : La vie n'est pas un long fleuve tranquille .( Life is not a long and easy river... )
J'attends de tes nouvelles.
Merci et encore bravo pour ton Fran鏰is .
Jean /
Dear Joe ,
Thank you for the pictures you kindly sent me .
For sure, the work done is wonderfull. Many congratulations for you and for the workers of your company .
With such items there is no doubt that we, (you ,we the designer) will have succes in this business ...
Let it be !
Felicitations et amiti閟 ,
Jean /
Dear Joe,

I hope evrything is going allrigth for you .
As I told you in trade manager dialogue I would like you to tell me, when I will have to pay the last part of the order .
When the goods are arrived in Barcelona or before ? It is the very first time I made an order in international business so I have to learn ...
About the 3-seaters's picture you kindly send me last week I saw the rigth armrest sewing does not seemmed to be so strong (see attached picture ),or maybe it is an optical illusion due to the picture. Can you check that ?
I know you do your very best and I thank you Joe . If I have succes in that business I think I will come toChina and see you next spring . It will be a pleasure to meet you .
Bonne journée, Joe .
Amitiés .
Jean /
Dear Jean
> How are you?
> Please find the attached copy of bill of lading.it
> is just for you.
> You can finish the balance right now that after we
> get the total amount I will send you the B/L with
> all original documents.if you are not hurry please take your time for it.
> See the down side LO trans company,that is the agent
> ,contact them with B/L ,they will teach you how to
> pick the goods up,also you can speak Spanish right?
> All the best.
> A bientot
> Many thanks and kind regards
> Respectfully
> Joe Lau

[ 本帖最后由 sexdevil 于 2006-1-9 15:06 编辑 ]

Bonjour Joe,

I am sorry that you have to work on sunday because of my order . I am sorry too about  the problems  of my lack  of english vocabulary, so I send  you a picture  to make me understand .
Amiti鳠et Respect,
Jean /

Cher Joe,

I won't finish 2005 and beging 2006 without wishing
you an happy new year, une bonne et heureuse ann閑!
May 2006 brings you a lot of satisfactions in your job
and personnal relations.
By my side, i will do my best to bring you big
orders... for you and for me of course !
Yesterday we had the pleasure to recieve for diner
chineese students.I know them because they rent a
little flat we have in Perpignan . They listen French
because they will make studies of molecular biology in
France .They are very nice guys .
Talking about you,I was very proud to tell them i have
recently a friend in China . They told me that there
are only a few people to have study French in China ,
so Joe you are not evrybody ... But I knew that before
Encore une fois, bonne ann閑 et bonne chance pour 2006
Jean /

Thank you Joe ,
C'est tr閟 gentil, that is very kind of you . I wish
you too the best for you ,your familly and friends .
2005 was not a so bad year in spite of usuals
difficulties . I hope 2006 will be a good  " mill閟ime
" '( as for the vines )for you and me . I think our
business will increase and that we will have the
pleasure to meet.
Encore merci,
Je suis tr閟 contant d'avoir fait ta connaissance !
Jean /
Merci Joe ,
That is very kind of you . I hope you will too, have
good times to share with your friends and familly .
Bonne fin d'ann閑 Joe .
Amiti閟 sinc鑢es,
Jean /  

Bonjour Joe,

Thank you for your last mail and many apologies for my
late reply. I am sure your girlfriend have been
pleased by Channel N? and that she will appreciate
you more and more .
Here evrything is allrigth . The goods are arrived in
Barcelona last week and I think in Perpignan very
soon...LO Trans your agent  has managed evry thing...
, clearing the customs, transport and so on ...( Merci
Joe ! ) . I am in a hurry to see what you sent to me  
Now the game will starts. I hope to do a good party
and I am optpimistic !
I hope your new products will bring you big orders so
that you can earn a lot of money...
Bonne journ閑 et ?bient魌,
Amiti閟 ,
Jean /  
我曾经说法国的香水最好,还送了CHANEL NO。5给我朋友,他连这点细节都看到。他私人曾经说,要在适当的时候带给我。他的信总是给我十分好的心情。而我也同样,带给他十分多的快乐。

刚刚我回给他的信,因为刚刚写完。所以可以分享给大家,可以看到我还是一直站在他的角度里,想着为他省钱,关心着他在港口会花着多少钱。我还记得当时我装货的时候曾经都给他发过现场照片,有这样的负责的供应商,这样的服务,他怎么能不信任你。近期他说自己还在另一家采购,但是现在发现你的服务更好,想把采购计划放在我身上。我暂时还没答应,但对其信任程度可见一斑。至此我也不多加分析了,反正站在进口商的角度,和他们做朋友,先信任后BIZ才是正路。我现在和他每次上线都聊几个小时,谈法国的香水,酒。食物。中国的食物,地域。我们没有聊到女人和政治(:)—— 他也挺关心我,上次中国煤矿爆炸,他还一直着急的问我家里人有没有发生什么危险。他也一直很看中友情,两个人文化不一样但是关系永远是那么好。这是最近写给他的信,大家其实可以看出一些我们的感情来了。
Dear Jean

I am very glad that you will receive the goods also the LO trans can solve everything.it is a pity my girlfriend do not like Chanel NO.5 ,she loves Lancome instead,next time I will present her one Lancome Miracle.

As a matter of fact that I do not know how much they will collect from you that is the the important question I am concerning about,because in my side that I can inquire how much they will do transferring,but I do not know the agent in Barcelona.the different custom will have different charge,if possible you can inquire them how to reduce the charge in custom we will work it out. and the tax,LCL charge,

As I know to buy one container is cheaper.but this time we have special period for the special price.so it will be cheaper,anyway the goods is arrived with no problem.that will be very good.

Please noted Jean that I am always optimistic all time especially with you.I think the goods will also be improved in 2006,although everything is better,regarding the chaise longue we have now changed 4 parts to 2 parts,also we lengthen the cover,now it is more beautiful,

Jean,My coleague have another order with grown order to England,that I have been shared with his pictures,you can see some and give me some comments,please note that your leather is better than his.,

Many thanks and kind regards


实际上我也不是想说什么浪漫法国人。我还是想重新给大家这样一个线索,信任,比什么都重要。实际上你们自己的价格,什么优势也好。如果客户不信任你,结果还是一样,我和客户磨合到这个境界,他拼命想我能赚到钱,我拼命想他能赚到钱。在这个基础上我们遇到什么问题都变得很好解决了,而且这也是能越做越大的标志。客户当时和你没有在一条线上,所有事情他当然只会想到自己,当他比较供应商时,其实你没有好的服务给他。他很伤感情的用其他所有供应商的价格来和你比较。造成你士气低落,这样的结果还是让你觉得,“无法成交”.其实我也一直觉得国际贸易完全可以用自己的能力思想来掌握在手的,但是总觉得差了点什么,所以现在我一直在努力研究出更有效可行的方法来掌握信任,先信任后生意。而且根据自己现在做的六个单来说的确是屡试不爽。但是失败的例子也多,不是我现在 询盘多的话定单早就停了。现在我开了四个信箱,注册到ALI,MIC上所以几乎每天都有询盘。一个询盘交友的故事可能越来越多,可惜我没时间。。。


[ 本帖最后由 sexdevil 于 2006-1-9 15:42 编辑 ]



真的很神啊 学习学习

I know you do your very best and I thank you Joe . If I have succes in that business I think I will come toChina and see you next spring . It will be a pleasure to meet you .


[ 本帖最后由 bacon999 于 2006-1-9 16:09 编辑 ]


"我曾经说法国的香水最好,还送了CHANEL NO。5给我朋友,他连这点细节都看到。他私人曾经说,要在适当的时候带给我。他的信总是给我十分好的心情。而我也同样,带给他十分多的快乐。

刚刚我回给他的信,因为刚刚写完。所以可以分享给大家,可以看到我还是一直站在他的角度里,想着为他省钱,关心着他在港口会花着多少钱。我还记得当时我装货的时候曾经都给他发过现场照片,有这样的负责的供应商,这样的服务,他怎么能不信任你。近期他说自己还在另一家采购,但是现在发现你的服务更好,想把采购计划放在我身上。我暂时还没答应,但对其信任程度可见一斑。至此我也不多加分析了,反正站在进口商的角度,和他们做朋友,先信任后BIZ才是正路。我现在和他每次上线都聊几个小时,谈法国的香水,酒。食物。中国的食物,地域。我们没有聊到女人和政治(:)—— 他也挺关心我,上次中国煤矿爆炸,他还一直着急的问我家里人有没有发生什么危险。他也一直很看中友情,两个人文化不一样但是关系永远是那么好。这是最近写给他的信,大家其实可以看出一些我们的感情来了。"





楼主, 我确实很佩服你,实际我也在向这个方向走, 但很难和客户建立真正的信任和友谊,你也知道,生意毕竟是生意, 只为客户着想,不为自己,公司着想是不可能的,尤其我们都是给别人打工的, 即使你从客户的角度考虑,他也不一定领情,他只会在乎你的价格, 你的产品。  楼主有没有一些小的提示给我们呢? 我很多时候都不知道怎么让客户相信我们的诚意,怎么是交往继续下去? 谢谢先,呵呵

加拿大电商各位,我问下,台湾用信汇到大陆,大概需要几天的时间?急都急死了,等着付钱 评论 一般新台币和人民币不可能从台湾打过来,其实从美国,或者哪个国家打过来24小时,尽管多出一 加拿大电商我们公司老板个人一笔外汇收入15000美金,然后他不知道让老外打到我们公司的帐户里来了,那这笔款怎么入帐呀 ,如果作内销不是要缴税吗?!那不是太冤了,我可不可以当作订金(预收帐款
  ·生活百科 Engie太阳能优势试验。
·生活百科 Esy Sunhome电池



加拿大贸易当月销项-进项=-6万元,当月FOB总价*退税税率为10万元,那么当月可退税是6万元,免抵4万元 请问:这免抵的4万是不是要留到下期再进行抵扣????? 评论 这个问题问财务了。 评论 ...


加拿大电商EN10204-3.1 材质报告

加拿大贸易路过的前辈们有没有知道EN10204-3.1证书的? 我的客户现在要求材质报告上要注明EN10204-3.1字样,但是原厂的材质报告几乎没有这个字样。国内的大厂,基本上通过了各种认证,是不是他们 ...



加拿大贸易本人4个月换了3份工作,现在这份工作月底又要换工作了。我就说说我都遇到过哪些坑和哪些坑人的公司。 算算,去年毕业到现在有一年了。大学毕业就跑市场,自己创业,结果被现实 ...



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