刚入行的LED显示屏的新人 被美国打大佬教训了一下但还是很感谢他愿意给我打这么多字
拿什么挽回你 我的客户
[10/28 下午9:55] 1-LED_美国: We were one of the first adopters of LED in 2005 I traveled to China to find a factory to work with in give them brand awareness in the United States but it didn't work. After we imported several million dollars the factory started aggressively competing against us like a competition for the market share. we got tired of our customers telling us that they can get a better price direct so we went to another company but it was the same thing. in over 25 years I have realized that Chinese people in businesses do not believe in partnerships it's all about what can you do for me today. my friend in China told me one day and I didn't understand it but he said when Chinese people wake up we wonder what will we eat for lunch today we don't worry about tomorrow. Disinfect is such as a business plan Chinese businesses do not have a business plan they simply throw the device and then figure out what they can do today tomorrow is another day don't forward think. as a result we have invested millions of dollars into Chinese factories only to be bitten by the snake. For the last three years we have not imported anything and is probably why we stayed in business.
We just received our first two containers of merchandise only outdoor. This is merchandise that we didn't pay for it was paid for by Chinese Bank helping LED companies in China go public on the stock market. We already received 660 cabinets I'm down to 45 left. Proves that I know how to sell volume. But USA banks will no longer finance anybody purchasing Chinese products because of the high risk
[10/28 下午10:30] 1-LED_美国: It's not your fault. Like I said traditionally if you go to any manufacturer in the entire world Japan Korea Mexico UK every manufacturer is looking for repeat business therefore they have qualifications to become a partner. Let's use examples such as Sony and Panasonic two great companies that grew brand awareness very strong it's because they had partners in every country. For some reason Chinese companies are the only ones in the world that refuse formal partnerships it's almost like they want their cake and eat it too you can't have both
[10/28 下午10:31] 1-LED_美国: But I think I should deserve a medal for trusting Chinese businesses because I've put all of our efforts into promoting brand awareness for 18 factories 100% all of which pushed us aside thinking that they can dominate the market without help only to find out they're going out of business because nobody knows who they are after we stop promoting.
I don't know if you know what an intervention is that's when somebody needs help.
[10/28 下午10:32] 1-LED_美国: Intervention for somebody who drinks too much alcohol or maybe have a gambling problem well me I had a problem keep trying new factories in China all of which refuse to put anything in writing they want to work on verbal commitment saying they can be trusted 100% of the time they were not telling the truth. When it kept happening I thought maybe because we're small company but then I had a contract signed with Panasonic to run their LED division in USA we did several stadiums and arenas multi-million dollars would you know that we had to try several factories because each one of them from China were acting Chinese stealing opportunities or trying to. Finally the president of Panasonic sent out a note they're going to shut down the USA division leave LEDs to the Chinese people
[10/28 下午10:33] 1-LED_美国: That's when I realized this cannot be fixed. right now there's an overabundance of Chinese LED factories the average person doesn't know if one is good or bad we know because we've been in the business. to the average American just a bunch of Chinese names that do not represent the products that they sell. All I do is get emails from customers asking do you have the ability to help us pick a factory because we don't know which one to go with. I tell them I'm not interested but we will do the installation that's why we're so busy
我也这么跟他说了 “如果有谁说不买中国制造的LED屏,那他肯定在说谎” 这是行业自信
一方面困境重重 一方面任重道远
中国的内部竞争之惨烈 他们想象不到的 也理解不了
[ 本帖最后由 RobbinM 于 2020-11-4 11:11 编辑 ]
QUOTE:hybking12 发表于 2020-11-4 1024
加拿大电商各位,我问下,台湾用信汇到大陆,大概需要几天的时间?急都急死了,等着付钱 评论 一般新台币和人民币不可能从台湾打过来,其实从美国,或者哪个国家打过来24小时,尽管多出一 加拿大电商我们公司老板个人一笔外汇收入15000美金,然后他不知道让老外打到我们公司的帐户里来了,那这笔款怎么入帐呀 ,如果作内销不是要缴税吗?!那不是太冤了,我可不可以当作订金(预收帐款
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