加拿大进出口外贸Home Depot 开始自营集装箱船


逼的零售大佬Home Depot要自己买船, 自己运输了

https://www.cnbc.com/2021/06/13/ ... hipping-delays.html

Home Depot has reserved its own ship, bought merchandise on the spot market and flown in power tools as it copes with supply chain headaches.
The pandemic has created complexities that have ricocheted across the globe, from congested ports to soaring consumer demand.
One of the most recent challenges is a Covid-19 outbreak in southern China.

Home Depot is one of the largest importers in the country. Yet with congested ports, container shortages and Covid-19 outbreaks slowing shipments, the company made a decision: It was time to get its own boat.

“We have a ship that’s solely going to be ours and it’s just going to go back and forth with 100% dedicated to Home Depot,” President and Chief Operating Officer Ted Decker said in an interview. It marks the first time that the company has taken such a step.

Decker said the contracted ship, which will begin running next month, is just one example of the unusual measures that the company is taking as it copes with challenges that have ricocheted across the global supply chain.

On rare occasions, Home Depot has also flown in power tools, faucets, electrical components, fasteners and other “smaller, higher value items” by air freight, he said. In other cases, it has opted to buy items on the spot market — even though it can cost as much as four times more than contracted rates.

Other retailers have also had to go to great lengths to try to stock stores and distribution centers and keep up with consumer demand as the economy recovers from the pandemic. For shoppers, retailers’ logistical woes are playing out in the form of out-of-stocks, long delays before a purchase’s arrival and higher prices.

The global shipping snafus come during an important time for the industry, said Jonathan Gold, vice president of supply chain and customs policy for the National Retail Federation, a trade group. Retailers are heading into peak season for shipping holiday merchandise, which usually begins in August.

“Right now, they are all trying to figure out ‘How do we mitigate that risk to make sure that we’ve got the product here in time for when those holiday season sales start?’” he said. “That could mean moving up timing for when you bring your product in, which could further lead to additional congestion and delays.”

A whack-a-mole of issues
More than a year into the pandemic, Gold said, retailers continue to play whack-a-mole with a revolving set of problems. He said companies have faced those issues, regardless of size and the type of merchandise they sell.

“We’re seeing [issues with] everything from apparel to footwear into furniture, handbags, toys, consumer goods, electronics,” he said.

Soaring demand has contributed to the problem, Gold said, as people have spent money on goods rather than services like dining out and traveling while stuck at home for months.

Home Depot was caught by surprise, Decker said, when consumers’ extreme appetite for home improvement took off during the pandemic. The company has shown big sales growth quarter after quarter. That continued in the fiscal first quarter, with the company’s same-store sales soaring 31% year-over-year.

A Covid-19 outbreak in southern China is a new concern. As Chinese authorities try to stop the spread, they have restricted the number of vessels that can access ports in the major exporting hub. That’s forcing some ships to skip over the ports or anchor offshore as the boats wait to dock. Large shipping companies, such as Maersk, have warned clients about delays. It has caused the biggest backlog since at least 2019, according to a Reuters report.

Costs have risen due to the issues, too. Nathan Resnick, CEO of Sourcify, a company that connects companies to manufacturers, said freight rates have “spiked significantly.” In an interview with CNBC’s “The Exchange” earlier this week, he said the cost of a 40-foot container has gone up over 150% on the West Coast and risen even more on the East Coast.

He estimated that companies may have to raise prices between 5% and 20% to offset that increase. “A lot of that cost may be passed down to consumers where there may be higher prices this holiday season,” he said.

‘Up to the C-suite’
Gold said since the pandemic, coming up with quicker and more efficient ways to move goods across the world has become an urgent priority.

“This really has risen up to the C-suite level, in terms of how are folks mitigating the ongoing challenges that they’re facing right now,” he said.

Among the strategies executives are exploring are diversifying supply chains by importing materials and merchandise from other countries outside of Asia or closer to the U.S., adding air freight to the mix and placing orders even earlier, according to Gold.

For companies like Home Depot, Decker said size has been a competitive advantage. It is the third largest U.S. importer by volume of ocean containers, according to the most recent annual ranking by the Journal of Commerce, a magazine and website that covers global trade. Walmart and Target are the top two U.S. importers and Home Depot rival, Lowe’s, is fourth largest and followed by Ashley Furniture.

“We have a solid, contracted amount of capacity that our suppliers have largely honored,” he said. ”[It’s] long-term thinking, ‘Covid doesn’t last forever so keep your best customers happy.’ ”



家得宝是该国最大的进口商之一。然而,由于港口拥堵、集装箱短缺和 Covid-19 疫情导致发货放缓,该公司做出了决定:是时候拥有自己的船了。

总裁兼首席运营官泰德·德克尔 (Ted Decker) 在接受采访时说:“我们拥有一艘完全属于我们的船,它将 100% 专用于家得宝。”这是该公司首次迈出这样的一步。




贸易组织全国零售联合会供应链和海关政策副总裁乔纳森·戈尔德 (Jonathan Gold) 表示,全球航运混乱正值该行业的一个重要时期。零售商正进入运送假日商品的旺季,该旺季通常从 8 月开始。

“现在,他们都在想办法‘我们如何降低这种风险,以确保我们在假期开始销售时及时收到产品?’”他说。 “这可能意味着您将产品运入的时间提前,这可能会进一步导致额外的拥堵和延误。”


“从服装到鞋类,再到家具、手袋、玩具、消费品、电子产品,我们都看到了 [问题],”他说。


德克尔说,当消费者在大流行期间对家居装修的极度渴望起飞时,家得宝感到惊讶。该公司一季度又一季度的销售增长显着。这种情况在第一财季继续,该公司的同店销售额同比猛增 31%。

在中国南部爆发 Covid-19 是一个新问题。在中国当局试图阻止传播的同时,他们限制了进入主要出口枢纽港口的船只数量。这迫使一些船只在等待停靠时跳过港口或停泊离岸。马士基等大型航运公司已就延误向客户发出警告。据路透社报道,这造成了至少自 2019 年以来最大的积压。

由于这些问题,成本也上升了。将公司与制造商联系起来的公司 Sourcify 的首席执行官内森·雷斯尼克 (Nathan Resnick) 表示,运费“大幅上涨”。在本周早些时候接受 CNBC 的“交易所”采访时,他说 40 英尺集装箱的成本在西海岸上涨了 150% 以上,在东海岸上涨得更多。

他估计,公司可能不得不将价格提高 5% 到 20% 以抵消这种上涨。他说:“大部分成本可能会转嫁给消费者,因为这个假期的价格可能会更高。”




对于像家得宝这样的公司,德克尔说,规模一直是一种竞争优势。根据涵盖全球贸易的杂志和网站《商业杂志》(Journal of Commerce) 的最新年度排名,按海运集装箱数量计算,它是美国第三大进口国。沃尔玛和塔吉特是美国最大的两家进口商,而家得宝的竞争对手 Lowe’s 位居第四,其次是 Ashley Furniture。

“我们拥有稳定的合同产能,我们的供应商在很大程度上尊重了这一点,”他说。 “[这是] 长期思考,‘Covid 不会永远持续下去,所以让您最好的客户满意。’”



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