加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科Industrielle Alliance 致力于为您提供优质的金融投资服务


INDUSTRIELLE ALLIANCE Insurance and Financial Services Inc. 国联保险理财服务有限公司 www.inalco.com 国联保险理财服务有限公司创建于1892年, 是一家生命健康保险和金融投资公司, 其提供生命和健康保险产品,储蓄和退休计划,注册养老储蓄计划 (RRSP), 注册教育储蓄计划 (RESP),互惠基金(Mutual Funds), 保本基金(Segregated Funds), 证券,汽车和家庭保险,抵押贷款和其他金融产品和服务。 作为加拿大第四大和魁北克省第一大的生命和健康保险公司,国联保险理财服务有限公司提供广泛金融服务及金融产品的金融集团公司,其业务覆盖整个加拿大和美国西部地区。 对于金融投资的客户,我们提供以下产品与服务: Guaranteed investments 保证投资Mutual Funds 互惠基金 Segregated funds 保本基金Annuities 年金Registered education savings plan (RESP) 注册教育储蓄计划Registered retirement savings plan (RRSP) 注册退休储蓄计划 Registered retirement income funds (RRIF) 注册退休收入基金 Tax-free savings account(TFSA) 免税储蓄账户Life income funds 生活收入基金Group retirement savings plans 集体退休储蓄计划Registered pension plan 注册退休金计划 对于保险投资的客户,我们提供以下产品与服务: Life 生命保险Disability 残疾保险Critical illness 重大疾病Accident 事故保险Mortgage 房屋按揭保险Health spending account 健康支出帐户保险Business associates - Key personnel 商业伙伴 - 主要人员保险Group insurance 团体保险 Auto 汽车保险 对于我们产品感兴趣的客人,我们会为你安排免费的咨询与评估,作为一名金融安全顾问,我们的目标是针对您的个人需求,提出恰当解决方案以实现您的金融投资目标。 ________ 联系方式: 李英杰 Tel : 514 296 8367 [FONT=&quot]Email : [email protected][/FONT]

回复: Industrielle Alliance 致力于为您提供优质的金融投资服务Have you ever been refused for life insurance, disability, or critical illness insurance by one company? You know there are others who will accept you with affordable premiums. Like IA, our prices for such insurances can be incompatible, no matter how worse your situations are, want to know more, call me.Thank you!

回复: Industrielle Alliance 致力于为您提供优质的金融投资服务DISABILITY INSURANCE! A MUST FOR THE SELF-EMPLOYED WORKERS! Are you self-employed or owner of a small business? OK, if you are, have you ever thought about what will happen if something happens to you? I have seen injury devastate the self-employed worker and put the most profitable business into bankruptcy. So DISABILITY INSURANCE is a must!Like other kinds of insurance, IA can provide the most advantageous price for you, so making an appointment with me to see how I can protect you in the potentially devastating event of disability. There are even policies that exist will give you a large percentage of you money back if you never file a claim!Interested? don't wait, call me.

回复: Industrielle Alliance 致力于为您提供优质的金融投资服务LEAVING AN HERITAGE TO THE PEOPLE YOU CARE AND LOVE ---- LIFE INSURANCEUsually, the life insurance can cover for a certain periods of time, like temporary coverage (TC): 1 year, 2 years, 5 years, 10 years, you name it;permanent coverage (PC): which means the period of time it covers till you are 100 years; oruniversal coverage (UC): for the whole life. Economically, UC is the cheapest, and TC is on the contrary, so here's an example, a healthy male of 40 years old, non smoker, subscribes a 20 years temporary coverage for 100,000 $.So the monthly fee is about 27$ for the whole 20 years, if that person never made a reclaim during this period, the accumulated insurance fee can be refundable for more than 60%, conditions apply. If you want to know more, you know what to do.Thanks for checking, I need your support.

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