加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科疫情期间税务局承担了大部分社保局的工作,应该给税务局IT点赞
每一个链接,后面都是无数辛勤的努力。干的越多,被抱怨越多,然后无怨无悔,任劳任怨,坚持为每一个有需要的人做摆渡人。加拿大这个国家有三大柱国:医保系统,税务系统,银行系统。太多无知的人,每日被这三大顶梁柱所庇护,却浑然不知,反而牢骚满腹。You are unable to work because your child under 12 or family member requiring supervised care is unable to attend their school or regular care facility due to COVID-19 – Apply for the Canada Recovery Caregiving BenefitYou are unable to work because you are sick, must self-isolate, or quarantine – Apply for the Canada Recovery Sickness BenefitYou lost some or all of your employment or self-employment income for a reason not listed above and you are not eligible for Employment Insurance benefits – Apply for the Canada Recovery Benefit
heyday 说:Cra被黑之后恢复了吗点击展开...早就恢复了
wodelaoba 说:早就恢复了点击展开...恢复个屁,很多服务都在关闭当中,比如关联银行帐号就没法修改
heyday 说:Cra被黑之后恢复了吗点击展开...2-3天后就正常了
wodelaoba 说:每一个链接,后面都是无数辛勤的努力。干的越多,被抱怨越多,然后无怨无悔,任劳任怨,坚持为每一个有需要的人做摆渡人。加拿大这个国家有三大柱国:医保系统,税务系统,银行系统。太多无知的人,每日被这三大顶梁柱所庇护,却浑然不知,反而牢骚满腹。You are unable to work because your child under 12 or family member requiring supervised care is unable to attend their school or regular care facility due to COVID-19 – Apply for the Canada Recovery Caregiving BenefitYou are unable to work because you are sick, must self-isolate, or quarantine – Apply for the Canada Recovery Sickness BenefitYou lost some or all of your employment or self-employment income for a reason not listed above and you are not eligible for Employment Insurance benefits – Apply for the Canada Recovery Benefit点击展开...银行系统怎么就庇护国民了,说来听听。
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