加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科one button on key board for laptop lenovo f30 broken
the keyboard is working well, even without that button, it is still work. but can somebody help me to tell where i can find only one signle button? or if I must change the whole keyboard? it is a laptop. is it easy? by the way, i fail to find F30 on Lenova canada website, is it ok if i get other series keyboard? many many thanks.
回复: one button on key board for laptop lenovo f30 broken1、不同的机子用的keyboard是不一样的吧?你应该拍一张相片给大家看看,别人才知道能不能帮你,或许有人刚好有可以代替的旧键给你。2、不知你说的other series keyboard意思是指同一系列的机子还是指同一牌子的机子?如果是同一系列的机子其keyboard一般情况下应该是一样的,可以通用,如果只是同一牌子的机子就不一定能用了。
回复: one button on key board for laptop lenovo f30 broken在北美换个又没多少钱。。
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