加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科社区家教
As your Neighborhood Tutoring Service, we offer:作为社区家教,我们提供如下服务: Highly Qualified Tutors, with extensive teaching experiences, graduate / post - graduate degrees and Ontario teaching certification from Beijing University (China), University of Hertfordshire (United Kingdom), University of Toronto, York University and the University of Windsor (Canada).强大的师资力量,教师毕业于北京大学(中国),赫特福德郡大学(英国),多伦多大学,约克大学,温莎大学(加拿大)。具有双学位、硕士学位、安省教师执照及多年执教经验。 Comprehensive Tutoring Programs, tailored to meet varied learning needs and styles. We are currently offering classes in: Mathematics, English, Science, and Chinese. Preparation for EQAO Assessments, IELTS, TOFEL, TOEIC and GMAT.ESL tutoring and ESL for immigrants.丰富的课程安排,为您量身定制学习计划:数学,英语,科学,中文EQAO,雅思,托福,托业英语,GMATESL同步辅导,加拿大入籍辅导 ONE - ON - ONE Tutoring and Tutoring in small groups 一对一教学 或 小班授课Location: Brimley and McNicoll (major intersection)Contact Us: (Chinese) 647 927 0718 (English) 647 801 8206
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