标签:Start - 华人论坛



在加拿大 we will start prepare samples after we received the payment 评论 We will start preparing samples after we receive the payment. 评论 We will start to prepare samples after receiving your payment. 评论 没毛病 评论 有语法问题。首...华人论坛


易 说 堂 分享:创业用英语怎么说

在加拿大 创业 Start a business;entrepreneurship 创业用英语怎么说?创业的英文单词是什么?双语例句分享: 1. 数以万计重庆农民工返乡创业,打造经济发展新亮点。 Tens of thousands of Chongqing migrant w...华人论坛


New year ,new start

在加拿大 New year is beginning . from now on , study english everyday make this diary just to stimulate myself working hard and don't forget why i come here. and what is my dream and what i always pursuing for. 评论 大家一起努力!!!! P...华人论坛


six months later, I will start my new job.

在加拿大 During the past two years after my graduation, I've been working in foreignal trade business. I stayed in Guangzhou for one year, then I came back to Zhengzhou for own reason, because I need to get married. ......... wei wan dai xu 评论 哟西...华人论坛


What the... !? 看不懂......

在加拿大 We start to make purchase planning for this year I`d like to precise some info about bonus programme. Pls advice do you have the special bonus system which is connected with value of purchase from the year 我去,第一次听这语法,就是...华人论坛



在加拿大 We need to start our project . So, we need to know the prices and if its possible with you, the circulation how many units and with which power we will need to get the more powerful. 以上询盘,要如何回复,才能打动买家?我们...华人论坛



在加拿大 New start now! I don't know how to express my present feeling. I'm feel so losing that I have changed several jobs and changed industry during each job-hopping.So It's zero for my new begining.My work experience is cancelled in this industr...华人论坛


beat price

在加拿大 请教:start with about 5,000 units, as the attached sample,please beat the price beat the price 是什么意思? [ 本帖最后由 四色依米 于 2011-12-30 16:17 编辑 ] 评论 让你报价吧,不要想的太深奥。。。 评论...华人论坛


New Start!

在加拿大 没注册多久,还以为新手不能在英语版块发帖呢,无奈下,只能发布在了新人版块了,呵呵,移过来,一切按照原计划!希望坚持就能提高! 24th April Tuesday Raining About Rain. FOB will be a...华人论坛


one location CA to start?

在加拿大 我发了开发信后,加拿大客户如下回复, Below are our business options for your kind considerations. 1)Enter the BDWP (Build Direct Warehouse Program)– one location CA to start and a promise to expand depending on sales 2)Ha...华人论坛



在加拿大 we will buy in the starting we need 10000 pcs per month but it will increase regularly. but because amount is very small so we will buy aroung 5000 pcs per month 啥意思? 评论 刚开始我们每月需要10000 pcs 而且将会一直上升...华人论坛


pcsdye smpls是什么意思 ?

在加拿大 1。 start to arrange following smpls for q'lty appoval n buyer will issue po b/f this friday. Del - Pls recfm 4/15 ex onward 2。pcsdye smpls for our ref, 这两句话有很多缩写词 难道是要打品质样吗? 懂的进来解释下.....华人论坛



在加拿大 51、 We would be glad to start business with you.我们很高兴能与贵公司建立贸易往来。52 、I’d appreciate your kind consideration in the coming negotiation.洽谈中请你们多加关照。53、 We are happy to be of help.我...华人论坛



在加拿大 But we intend to start with the import and agreement with your company rather than arguing on $1. 情况是 别人报价比我们便宜1美金 我要翻给别人看,所以想用中文表达的准确一点 [ 本帖最后由 jockguan 于 201...华人论坛



在加拿大 We confirm you to start to make the lab dips for this order as our agreement with Mr Eddie, 90% before delivery and 10% after receipt. 麻烦各位帮我看看。这里是不是指90%的订金,然后剩余10%在收到发票后支付? [ 本...华人论坛



在加拿大 1. How to start your letter? You have not responded in any way to our recent letters about your past due account. We remind you once more of your open account that is now _____ days beyond our _____-day terms. Your account is still unpaid in...华人论坛



在加拿大 A well-known speaker started off his seminar by holding up a $20 bill. In the room of 200, he asked. Who would like this $20 bill? Hands started going up. He said, I am going to give this $20 to one of you - but first, let me do this. g \He...华人论坛


If you start me up ,I will never stop

在加拿大 我的淘宝店开了也有些时候了,在今天终于有了真正意义上的第一单,心里的那个高兴,真是无法用言语表达。一直以来,我都挺怀疑自己的能力的,在想着为什么就什么都做不好呢?...华人论坛


发个贴纪念一下吧,soho start

在加拿大 soho需要勤奋和坚持,每日打卡! 评论 樓主加油吧,我也醞釀好長一段時間了,昨天花了點錢 做網站。打算正式開始半SOHO 评论 自强! SOHO的路漫长,需要坚持! 来自福建厦门! 评论 加...华人论坛


start soho

在加拿大 做了两年外贸接单工作,工资超低,提成少。今年2月开始决定在家SOHO,置办了传真机,打印一体机,做了企业网站和阿里诚信通,整理办公室做样品间,总花费不足6千。没有注册公司...华人论坛


客人问:Why not start your own company?

在加拿大 一个很熟的客人知道我是soho,挂靠外贸公司,便问:Why not start your own company? 对呀,为什么不成立自己的公司呢? 我给客人的回答是:it is not that easy to start a company with export license, now i...华人论坛


各位大神求解 大谢!!

在加拿大 start ship date 和 last sailing date分别指什么呢两个中间隔了十几天求解大谢!! 评论 是否是开船日期 和 到目的港的日期 ,本人不确定 评论 我觉得是要求你在这两个日期之间装船。 start是最早...华人论坛


start ship date 和in house date是什么意思

在加拿大 startshipdate:01/19/2015 inhousedate:01/22/2015 shipvia:delivery shipvia : to beadvised 这些是什么意思啊 [ 本帖最后由 zxnxi 于 2014-10-31 09:44 编辑 ] 评论 start ship date 应该是发出日期,如果是船运应该是开...华人论坛

多伦多 Toronto


在加拿大 TOYOTA在招人,start wage是$25/小时,转正式工后$32/小时,有兴趣的TX可以试试啊! www.jobs.tmmc.ca uiu 评论 回复: TOYOTA在招人!TOYOTA在招人,start wage是$25/小时,转正式工后$32/小时,有兴趣的...华人论坛

温哥华 Vancouver

大家带孩子去strong start吗

在加拿大 如题。感觉如何? 评论 回复: 大家带孩子去strong start吗没去过,刚在网上查了一下,感兴趣! 评论 超赞 没去过,刚在网上查了一下,感兴趣!点击展开...我去过三次。 评论 回复: 大家...华人论坛


Labour Job &14.25 to start

在加拿大 Genco is hiring warehouse men and women again, and this time the starting salary has increased to $14.25 and will go up to $18.02, full benefits package after 3 months.If anyone interested please come to the job fairWhen: October 19,2006 9am...华人论坛


ACPPA Club Summer Season starts in June

在加拿大 Dear Ping Pong Players,ACPPA is going open the night session for the Summer Season(June, July and August). In order to serve you better, we are going to apply the following policies for this season:1. The season starts on 05th June, ends on...华人论坛


枫叶卡更新 Start Process Dec 15,2021

在加拿大 有没有和我时间差不多的小伙伴?Permanent Resident CardWe received your application for a permanent resident card on October 7, 2021.We sent you correspondence acknowledging receipt of your application(s) on December 15, 2021.We...华人论坛


关于start up business class visa

在加拿大 帮朋友问,请问申请start up business visa在加拿大提交申请后需要在加拿大境内等批准吗? 评论 至少在获得PR身份的时候。 At the time you receive your permanent residence: you provide active and ongoing m...华人论坛


这里有申请过BASF start in coating的吗?

在加拿大 我是本科化学出身,研究生材料专业,博士做的材料和催化方向,想申请这个职位。 他们的要求是,materials science和polymer science出身,挺符合我的。这个职位应该是本部培训半年然后回...华人论坛


Basf start in Online assessment

在加拿大 刚刚申请了Basf的Finance trainee,接到邮件说要做online assessment,网上查了半天也没有相关的资料,想问问有没有之前申请过的前辈可以给一些建议要怎么准备这个assessment,以及assessment大概...华人论坛


出一款 TOMTOM Start 25 M 导航仪 60欧

在加拿大 TomTom Start 25 M 中欧19国终身地图更新, 5寸(13cm)屏幕, 115欧买来,仅自驾游出行用过两次, 九成新! 现因要回国,折价出!60欧出! https://www.德国亚马逊/TomTom-Navigationsger%C3%A4t-Life...华人论坛


请教非dealer安装remote start的问题

在加拿大 请教各位,最近打算装一个remote start,但是4S店太贵了,要600多,我看bestbuy好像便宜不少,牌子也还可以,viper的,双向的才3、400,还包安装。但是不知道不是dealer安装的以后会不会影...华人论坛



在加拿大 现在在凯亚的start a business学习(名为fulltime其实只是6小时/周),那我能不能报fulltime的社区法语呢?我的意思是说政府会不会查为什么能同时上两个fulltime的学习呢?谢谢 请有经验的筒...华人论坛


i start an english speaking club now and here

在加拿大 for some reasons i need to use english soon.i spend a lot of time here, therefore, i will talk only english for a while, with no apologies.you are all welcome. 评论 回复: i start an english speaking club now and here Veryniubi这么看来萨...华人论坛


Start Date :TBD 是什么意思?

在加拿大 如题,TBD是什么的缩写?什么意思?谢谢大家 评论 青丝已白发 回复: Start Date :TBD 是什么意思? 待定 评论 回复: Start Date :TBD 是什么意思? 待定点击展开...哦,谢谢!知道了!但是弱弱...华人论坛


魁省技术移民 - 已过期

在加拿大 已过期 评论 Start over 回复: 大家好!联邦的大门好象对我要关上了!来问问魁省的可以吗? 共同讨论一下,你的专业好象加不了分,学历属于正常。但是你是英文专业。而英文专业本身...华人论坛