加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民完了,韩国五年签证被玩坏了。


Important Notice for visa applicants who have Chinese and USA dual nationalityDATE2023-12-01○ Our consulate strives to comply with each country's nationality law and international law.Recently, many Chinese applicants who have the dual nationality of China and the U.S. applied for the visa to our consulate.○ According to the Nationality Law Articles 3 and 5 of the People's Republic of China, All Chinese can not have dual/multiple Citizenship.[Article 3]The People's Republic of China does not recognize dual nationality for Any Chinese national.[Article 5]Any person born abroad whose parents are both Chinese nationals and one of whose parents is a Chinese national shall have Chinese nationality. But a person whose parents are both Chinese nationals and have both settled abroad, or one of whose parents is a Chinese national and has settled abroad, and who has acquired foreign nationality at birth shall not have Chinese nationality.[ Reference ]: http://www.npc.gov.cn/zgrdw/englishnpc/Law/2007-12/13/content_1384056.htm: http://www.china.org.cn/english/LivinginChina/184710.htm○ Thus, our consulate does not accept visa applicants who have dual nationalities in China and the United States of America.

加州甜橙 说:Important Notice for visa applicants who have Chinese and USA dual nationalityDATE2023-12-01○ Our consulate strives to comply with each country's nationality law and international law.Recently, many Chinese applicants who have the dual nationality of China and the U.S. applied for the visa to our consulate.○ According to the Nationality Law Articles 3 and 5 of the People's Republic of China, All Chinese can not have dual/multiple Citizenship.[Article 3]The People's Republic of China does not recognize dual nationality for Any Chinese national.[Article 5]Any person born abroad whose parents are both Chinese nationals and one of whose parents is a Chinese national shall have Chinese nationality. But a person whose parents are both Chinese nationals and have both settled abroad, or one of whose parents is a Chinese national and has settled abroad, and who has acquired foreign nationality at birth shall not have Chinese nationality.[ Reference ]: http://www.npc.gov.cn/zgrdw/englishnpc/Law/2007-12/13/content_1384056.htm: http://www.china.org.cn/english/LivinginChina/184710.htm○ Thus, our consulate does not accept visa applicants who have dual nationalities in China and the United States of America.点击展开...请问你引用的网站和内容是中国政府网站和组织还是韩国政府官方观点?

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