加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民F*, 2024亲属关系要户口或出生证明, 公证不行了
公证不行了:Proof of Relationship (SPR): Please provide your Hukou (household registry) as proof of relationship to the principal applicant. If your current Hukou does not list both yourself and the principal applicant, please provide an older version of the Hukou that you are both registered on. Alternatively, you may submit a notarized copy of your original Medical Certificate of Birth issued by the Ministry of Health of the People's Republic of China. NOTE: Notarial certificates of birth, relationship or kinship are not acceptable as proof of relationship.可以我们的户口本上没有父母信息, 然后父母的户口本换了以后也没有子女的信息, 旧的户口本收回去了, 那时候还没有出生证明,这不是扯淡吗!
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