网上找到一家旧车高价回收,对方一听27年老车,里数50万,提出收购600刀。俺立即拍板,填了Vehicle Transfer Form交车收下现金。但过了一周对方仍没过户车子,说车子回收报废,不需要过户。
俺致电ICBC汽车保险公司,官方荅复:报废车子也得过户 ,要不然Vehicle Registration会一直掛在俺名下。心里感觉毛毛的,干脆退钱取回老车。
於是又上网搜索,瞅见Kidney Car捐车计划,废车捐赠收据一律700刀,可用于抵税。而且保证过户,一举两得又做点善事,立即捐了!哈皮!
For most vehicles, the receipt value is determined by an evaluation after it is towed and received. If upon inspection a vehicle qualifies for resale and successfully sells, a Fair Market Value tax receipt will be appraised by experienced sales agents. If a car cannot be resold in its current condition, it will be recycled by a professional automotive recycler and the tax receipt will be $700.
买房好帮手 / 免费精神科医疗诊治 / 食补 / 免费无限电话
补助金(GIS)/ 老人金 (OAS) / 退休金 (CPP) / 药物补助计划
吾家小园 / 健身 / 减脂 / 读懂验血报告 / 血压 / 胆固醇降了 / 灵异 / ET 但是抵税只是相当于你收入少 700,并不是退税给你 700 对吧?一直对抵税这个词有点疑惑,感觉容易误导
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