LC上有这么一条:In case of shipment effected on a vessel over 15 years but not exceeding 20 years of age, a certificate indicating vessel age issued by shipping company confirming that the vessel complies with the current institute classification clause cl-354 and all rules,regulations and restrictions of port of discharge as well as that the vessel is a member of an internationally recognized 1st class P+I club and that the vessel has valid I.S.M.(int’l safety management)code as required under the solas convention 1974 with last endorsement(s) by the joint cargo committee,London.
现在我们租的船,船龄 只有一年。 那么船证上,是不是就写上一个船龄就可以啦? 后面这么长的一段话 不用显示在船证上吧?
既然是一年 那这条就是废的 啥也不用出
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