

的大神们,外贸新人求指点!信用证47A 条款求翻译。
47A: Additional Conditions
1.        All documents must be in English.
2.        All documents must mention our LC number and date.
3.        Discrepancy fee of USD 100/- per set of discrepant documents will be deducted from bill proceeds.
4.        Notwithstanding the content of article 16 of UCP 600, in the event that we observe discrepancies in documents we shall provide our notice of refusal in according therewith and if we elect to contact the applicant for a waiver, and we receive an acceptable waiver, we shall effect settlement according to the LC terms and the documents will be released without further notice to you, unless we are in receipt of your instruction to the contrary prior to such release.
5.        This LC would be subject to US, EU, UN, India and/ or other sanctions(including due to use of a correspondent bank).
6.        Invoice must be in name of ALKA laboratories pvt Ltd., B-1124, industrial area, Phase-three, bhiwadi, Dist-alwar, Rajasthan-301019, India.
7.        Documents produced by reprograpic process/ computerized carbon copies are not acceptable unless marked original and signed.
8.        Negotiating bank must send original set of documents to the following address by courier: ICICI bank ltd, reis magos, sutrale road, off. Chandavarkar lane, borivali w Mumbai-400092, India
9.        The transport document:
(A)        Must not indicate A final place of destination as being different from the port of discharge.
(B)        Must not bear by stamp or otherwise to cost additional to the freight charges.
10.        Bill of lading and invoice must mention following:
(A)        IEC code: 0305011596
(B)        GST NO: 08AACCA7721R1Z7
(C)        Kvs(at)alkalabs.com/ info(at) alkalabs.com
78: Instr to payg/accptg/negotg bank
+negotiating bank can claim reimbursement on due date, provided 5 working days notice is given to ICICI bank ltd Mumbai by SWIFT ICICINBBCTS. Reimbursement under this L/C is subject to urr 725 of ICC. + we hereby engage with drawers, endorsers and bonafide holders of drafts under and in compliance with terms of this credit that such drafts shall be duly accepted on presentation or delivery stated this credit is subject to the uniform customs and practice for documentary credits(2007 revision) ICC pub No.600 + all other communications under this LC may be directly sent to us on Swift Icicinbbcts.

46A: Documents Required
1.        Signed commercial invoices in 9 copies quoting importer licence/ogl reference and certifying that the goods supplied are as per contract NO: xnw18539 dated 27.04.2018. gross CIF value of goods before deduction of agents commission, if any, must not exceed the maximum credit amount.
2.        Certificate of origin issued by China chamber of commerce.
3.        Full set of singed ‘clean’ ‘on board’ ocean bills of lading made out to order and blank endorsed marked ‘freight prepaid’ evidencing shipment of merchandise described above. Bills of lading must state full name and address of ALKA laboratories PVT. LTD., B-1124, industrial area, phase-three, Bhiwadi, Dist-alwar, rajasthan-301019, India and ICICI Bank Ltd, reis magos, sutrale road, off. Chandevarkar lane, boricall w Mumbai-400092, India, as parties to be notified. Short form, third party, freight forwarders, and lash bills of lading are not acceptable.
4.        Shipping company’s or their agent’s certificate(in duplicate) stating that the carrying vessel named in the bills of lading is a seaworthy vessel not more than 20 years old has been approved under institute classification clause(class maintained equivalent to Lloyds 100 al) and has been registered with an approved classification society(certificate to specify the name of the classification society).
5.        Marine insurance policy or certificate(original plus copy) dated not later than the date of bills of lading signed and issued by insurance company made to order and blank endorsed for 100 PCT of CIF value of goods supplied, covering institute cargo clause(A), with extended cover for transhipment risks, if applicable, theft, pilferage, breakage and non-delivery, institute war clause(cargo) and institute strikes clause(cargo), institute transit clauses for warehouse to warehouse cover with claims payable in India irrespective of percentage.
6.        Signed packing list (in quadruplicate).

翻译软件啊      这个太长了



Certificate of origin issued by China chamber of commerce.










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