Dear SirsAt the request of the applicant,we hereby establish our irrevcable Documentary letter of Credit in your favour for the amunt as stated above by your drafts on us at sight without recourse for full invoice value of shipment(s) purporting to be 212800 pcs capacitor,price CFR,Chittagong,Bangladesh,quantity,quality,unit price and all other specifications of the merchandise as per enclosed proforma invoice No.RSD07005 dated 03.12.2007 of the beneficiary,which forms an integral part of this credit.
1. invoice in octuplicate certigying merchandise are of China orgin duly signed by the beneficiary.
2. draft in duplicate drawn on us at sight marked drawn under L/C NO 215107010176 Dated 19.12.2007.
3. full set of original clean “Shipped on Board” Ocean bills of lading drawn or endorsed to the order of the Premier bank Limited,Agrabad Branch,Chittagong showing “preight prepaid” and marked notify openers and us giving full name and address.
4. insurance to be covered by openers.all shipments under this credit must be advised by the beneficiary immediately after shipment direct to M/S. DESH GENERAL IN SURANCE COMPANY LIMITED,khatungoni branch,4 Shan Amanat road(jail road) laideghi East,Chittagong,Bangladesh and the openers referring to cover Note No.DGIC/KTO/MC-215/12/2007 dated 18.12.2007 giving full details of shipment and L/C No & date.A copy of this advise shall accompany each set of documents.
5. documents evidencing shipments from any chinese port to chittagong bangladesh by steamer.
6. documents must be negotiated within 21 days of shipment.
7. toierance: plus/minua 5% allowed for both value and quantity.
01. The words”Import under CFER”,L/C NO.21507010176 Dated 19.12.2007,L/C Authorization No 17410,IRC No.BA-113824,HS code 85322500,TIN NO 313-100-5454,VAT NO.2011138028 shall appear on all documents.
02. documents must accompany beneficiary’s certificate to the dffect that goods shipped are strictly as per credit terms.
03. packing list required in six copies.
04. packing should be sea-worthy export standard.
05. third party,short form,blank backed clause and charter party bill of lading not acceptable.
06. certificate of origin issued by chamber of commerce or any simliar kind of institute of the exporting country required in 2 copies.
07. cuntry of origin clearly mention on each packages& a certificate to this dffect must accompany with original shipping documents.
08. drafts must be drawn for exact quantity of goods shipped (but not exceeding this L/C value)
09. documents may be negotiated subject to submission of documents in compliance with credit terms.
10. shipped on board notation on B/L is required duly validated.
11. prior to pressentation of shipping documents to negotiating bank,beneficiary shall send an Advance Telex/Fax intimation to the Premier bank Limited,Head office,Dhaka(Telex No 642542 PRBHO BJ,fax No 880-2-8815393)informing the expected dae of such persentation.This intimation must be sent at least 3(three) days in advance,copy of that Telex/Fax shall be an integral part of shipping documents.
12. one set of Non-negotiable shipping documents(photocopy not allowed) must be sent direct to Applicant’s and us by DHL or Fedex Courier within 05(five) days from the date of shipment and that courier receipt must accompany the original documents.
13. shipment on Israeli Flag vessel are prohibited and a certificate from master of vessel/shipping company/agent is required to this effect.
14. shipment must be effected by bangladesh flag vessel or any regular liner vessel only. A certificate from the shipping agents in this regard must accompany the original shipping documents.
15. pre-shipment inspection for quantity,quality,description,classification and price should be carried out by M/S.COTECHA INSPECTION SA.The final invoice and packing list should be endorsed by M/S.COTECNA INSPECTION SA.with the number and date of issuance of the CRF.
16. applicants name,arress and TIN NO.313-100-5454 must be mentioned on the surface of minimum 2 percent of master paper Bags. A certificae to this effect must accompany the original shipping documents.
17. full name and address as well as telephone no of the shipping agent in bangladesh must be mentioned in the B/L.
Export so far as otherwise expressly stated herein this credit is subject to UNIFORM CUSTOMS AND PRACTICE FOR DOCUMENTARY CREDIR(2007 REVISION) ICC PUBLICATION NO.600
Draft(s) must be marked “Drawn under the Premier bank Limited,Agrabad Brabcg,Chittagong,Bangladesh” credit No.215107010176 Dated 19.12.2007,We hereby agree with drawers,endorsers,and bonafide holders of drafts drawn under and in compliance with the terms of this credit that the same shall be duly honoured on presentation.
Amount of Draft(s) negotiable should be endorsed on the reverse of this credit.
All bank charges outside bangladesh including the reimbursing bank’s charges are on account of the beneficiary.
Original and duplicate set of documents to be sent to us in two lots by courier service immediately after negotiation certifying that the documents are in order and drawn strictly in terms if this letter of credit.
Documents with any discrepancy(s) must not be negotiated even Guarantee?reserve without our prior approval.
In case of discrepant documents,USD100/- will be deducted from bill in addition to our charges.
We hereby undertake that the documents shall be honoured on due presentation of drawn strictly in terms of this credit.Upon receipts of origianl shipping documents we shall arrange remittance of proceeds in USD Dollar,as per instructions of negotiating bank certifying that the documents are in order and drawn strictly in terms of this letter of credit.
[ 本帖最后由 yuxiaoqing215 于 2007-12-21 10:42 编辑 ]
1. invoice in octuplicate certigying merchandise are of China orgin duly signed by the beneficiary.
2. draft in duplicate drawn on us at sight marked drawn under L/C NO 215107010176 Dated 19.12.2007.
以开证行为付款人的即期汇票两份。注明drawn under L/C NO 215107010176 Dated 19.12.2007(按2007.12.19的L/C NO 215107010176 出票)
3. full set of original clean “Shipped on Board” Ocean bills of lading drawn or endorsed to the order of the Premier bank Limited,Agrabad Branch,Chittagong showing “preight prepaid” and marked notify openers and us giving full name and address
全套正本已装船海运提单,收货人to the order of the Premier bank Limited,Agrabad Branch,Chittagong 或者背书给to the order of the Premier bank Limited,Agrabad Branch,Chittagong,显示运费预付,并且通知开证申请人和开证行,并给出全名和地址
此条的操作参看置顶的帖子http://bbs.shanghai.com/thread-518795-1-1.html 问题7
4. insurance to be covered by openers.all shipments under this credit must be advised by the beneficiary immediately after shipment direct to M/S. DESH GENERAL IN SURANCE COMPANY LIMITED,khatungoni branch,4 Shan Amanat road(jail road) laideghi East,Chittagong,Bangladesh and the openers referring to cover Note No.DGIC/KTO/MC-215/12/2007 dated 18.12.2007 giving full details of shipment and L/C No & date.A copy of this advise shall accompany each set of documents.
保险由开证申请人承担。此信用证项下的所有发运情况必须由受益人在发运后立即直接通知M/S. DESH GENERAL IN SURANCE COMPANY LIMITED,khatungoni branch,4 Shan Amanat road(jail road) laideghi East,Chittagong,Bangladesh 以及开证申请人,提及预约保险单号cover Note No.DGIC/KTO/MC-215/12/2007 dated 18.12.2007 并且给出发运细节和信用证号码和日期,此装船通知的副本随每套单据提交
5. documents evidencing shipments from any chinese port to chittagong bangladesh by steamer.
6. documents must be negotiated within 21 days of shipment.
7. toierance: plus/minua 5% allowed for both value and quantity.
[ 本帖最后由 双鱼A 于 2007-12-21 10:39 编辑 ]
01. The words”Import under CFER L/C NO.21507010176 Dated 19.12.2007,L/C Authorization No 17410,IRC No.BA-113824,HS code 85322500,TIN NO 313-100-5454,VAT NO.2011138028 shall appear on all documents.
Import under CFER字样 L/C NO.21507010176 Dated 19.12.2007,L/C Authorization No 17410,IRC No.BA-113824,HS code 85322500,TIN NO 313-100-5454,VAT NO.2011138028”要显示在所有单据上
02. documents must accompany beneficiary’s certificate to the effect that goods shipped are strictly as per credit terms.
03. packing list required in six copies.
04. packing should be sea-worthy export standard.
05. third party,short form,blank backed clause and charter party bill of lading not acceptable.
[ 本帖最后由 双鱼A 于 2007-12-21 11:14 编辑 ]
06. certificate of origin issued by chamber of commerce or any simliar kind of institute of the exporting country required in 2 copies.
07. cuntry of origin clearly mention on each packages& a certificate to this dffect must accompany with original shipping documents.
08. drafts must be drawn for exact quantity of goods shipped (but not exceeding this L/C value)
09. documents may be negotiated subject to submission of documents in compliance with credit terms.
10. shipped on board notation on B/L is required duly validated.
提单上要求有shipped on board 的有效签注
11. prior to pressentation of shipping documents to negotiating bank,beneficiary shall send an Advance Telex/Fax intimation to the Premier bank Limited,Head office,Dhaka(Telex No 642542 PRBHO BJ,fax No 880-2-8815393)informing the expected dae of such persentation.This intimation must be sent at least 3(three) days in advance,copy of that Telex/Fax shall be an integral part of shipping documents.
在提交运输单据议付以前,受益人应该发一个预先的电传、传真给the Premier bank Limited,Head office,Dhaka(Telex No 642542 PRBHO BJ,fax No 880-2-8815393(也就是开证行)通知预期的提交日期,此通知应该至少提交三天,电传或者传真的副件,是运输单据的一部份(也就是要你提交这个传真副件)
12. one set of Non-negotiable shipping documents(photocopy not allowed) must be sent direct to Applicant’s and us by DHL or Fedex Courier within 05(five) days from the date of shipment and that courier receipt must accompany the original documents.
一套不可议付的运输单据(不允许复印件)必须通过DHL or Fedex Courier 在发运后5天内,寄给开证申请人和开证行,快递的收据随正本单据提交
14. shipment must be effected by bangladesh flag vessel or any regular liner vessel only. A certificate from the shipping agents in this regard must accompany the original shipping documents.
15. pre-shipment inspection for quantity,quality,description,classification and price should be carried out by M/S.COTECHA INSPECTION SA.The final invoice and packing list should be endorsed by M/S.COTECNA INSPECTION SA.with the number and date of issuance of the CRF.
装船前对数量、质量、内容、等级、价格的检验由M/S.COTECHA INSPECTION SA.做。最终的发票和装箱单友M/S.COTECHA INSPECTION SA.背书,并且要有CRF(CLEAN REPORT OF FINDINGS 清洁报告书)的号码和签发日期
16. applicants name,arress and TIN NO.313-100-5454 must be mentioned on the surface of minimum 2 percent of master paper Bags. A certificae to this effect must accompany the original shipping documents.
开证申请人的名称地址以及TIN NO.313-100-5454 至少要在2%的包装表面上标准。 证实此操作的证明随正本运输单据提交
17. full name and address as well as telephone no of the shipping agent in bangladesh must be mentioned in the B/L.
18、Export so far as otherwise expressly stated herein this credit is subject to UNIFORM CUSTOMS AND PRACTICE FOR DOCUMENTARY CREDIR(2007 REVISION) ICC PUBLICATION NO.600
Draft(s) must be marked “Drawn under the Premier bank Limited,Agrabad Brabcg,Chittagong,Bangladesh” credit No.215107010176 Dated 19.12.2007,We hereby agree with drawers,endorsers,and bonafide holders of drafts drawn under and in compliance with the terms of this credit that the same shall be duly honoured on presentation.
汇票上标准“Drawn under the Premier bank Limited,Agrabad Brabcg,Chittagong,Bangladesh” credit No.215107010176 Dated 19.12.2007(这条和前面已经重复)
All bank charges outside bangladesh including the reimbursing bank’s charges are on account of the beneficiary.
Original and duplicate set of documents to be sent to us in two lots by courier service immediately after negotiation certifying that the documents are in order and drawn strictly in terms if this letter of credit.
在议付后单据分两次通过快递立即寄给我们(开证行) 并且(议付行)证明单据符合信用证要求
Documents with any discrepancy(s) must not be negotiated even Guarantee?reserve without our prior approval.
In case of discrepant documents,USD100/- will be deducted from bill in addition to our charges.
We hereby undertake that the documents shall be honoured on due presentation of drawn strictly in terms of this credit.Upon receipts of origianl shipping documents we shall arrange remittance of proceeds in USD Dollar,as per instructions of negotiating bank certifying that the documents are in order and drawn strictly in terms of this letter of credit.
[ 本帖最后由 双鱼A 于 2007-12-21 11:16 编辑 ]
12. one set of Non-negotiable shipping documents(photocopy not allowed) must be sent direct to Applicant’s and us by DHL or Fedex Courier within 05(five) days from the date of shipment and that courier receipt must accompany the original documents.
一套不可议付的运输单据(不允许复印件)必须通过DHL or Fedex Courier 在发运后5天内,寄给开证申请人和开证行,快递的收据随正本单据提交
16. applicants name,arress and TIN NO.313-100-5454 must be mentioned on the surface of minimum 2 percent of master paper Bags. A certificae to this effect must accompany the original shipping documents.
开证申请人的名称地址以及TIN NO.313-100-5454 至少要在2%的包装表面上标准。 证实此操作的证明随正本运输单据提交
这个也就是唛头吧,客人公司名称地址,加个TIN NO.,按上面有条要求是不是还要加个MADE IN CHINA?客人没给唛头.怎么只要2%,不是全部都要吗?
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