加拿大进出口外贸出货后,我该干点啥? What Should Do After Shipment?


As to part of traders, everything comes to a perfect ending after shipment. But it is restricted to those who engage in domestic trade, while for foreign traders, after shipment, this is just the beginning of a new challenge.

After shipment, whether the goods can be scheduled to arrive at the destination port, suppliers can receive payment on time are unknown, because there are many uncertain factors even some are force majeure when cargo at sea. Therefore, after the shipment, we have to do a good job in follow-up, timely contacting the freight forwarder to grasp the situation of goods to take measures immediately if accident happens.
1、及时拿到ETA Get ETA in time
出货后,当拿到提单副本时,就要追问货代货物的ETA(预计到港时间),一方面是方便催客户安排尾款(知道ETA 之后就要隔三差五的发邮件提醒一下客户),另一方面,知道货物到港时间,我们可以向客户了解产品上架销售的时间,大概也可以估计一下,什么时候该催客户翻单。无论你是业务员还是跟单,都应该尽可能多的了解货物详情,才能够做到心中有数。
After shipment, when getting a copy of the bill of lading, ask forwarder cargo ETA (Estimated Arrival Time). On the one hand it is convenient to urge customers to arrange balance payment (remind customers often by emails after knowing ETA), on the other hand, you can know the arrival time so as to know the time to market. In addition, you can estimate the appropriate time to urge customers to repeat orders. Whether you are a salesman or merchandiser, you should know about the details of the shipment as much as possible so as to have a pretty clear idea.
2、定时上网查询货物情况 Check the goods condition on the Internet regularly
装柜之后,定时查询货物的到港情况,看看有没有什么更新。在这个过程中,你不必天天发邮件催货代,因为很多时候货代也是上船公司的网站查的,所以,你可以自行上船公司的网站输入提单号码查询。由于海上情况不定,所以网站上显示的ETA 、ETD(预计离港时间)也不是固定的,会根据航线情况或者海上情况发生变化,船公司也会及时更新这些情况。因此,我们也必须定期做好跟踪。万一发生什么情况,也能及时做好应变措施。
After loading, check the goods condition to see if there is any update. In this process, you don’t have to send email everyday as a reminder of freight forwarder, because freight forwarder also searches it from shipping company websites. Thus, you can search it with entering the B/L number on shipping company’s website on your own. In view of the uncertainty of the sea, ETA, ETD (Estimated Time of Departure) shown on web are not fixed, and they will change with routes situation or marine situation, and shipping company will also update the situation. So we have to keep following up regularly. In case of any accident, we can timely take measures.
3、到期后,与货代确认情况 When comes to the ETA, confirm situation with freight forwarder
On the ETA day, confirm with freight forwarder whether the goods arrives, because sometimes ETA will change. If the customer fails to pay the balance after arrival, you should send email to tell him. Some customers apply for free detention on destination port so they may feel ease for payment. However, as a salesman, you must be serious especially when exporting to those countries with political instability. If customers can take goods without the bill of lading, your payment “is only left to God’s mercy”.

阿连最近遇到过这样一个情况,货物提供的ETA 是6月25日的,但是7月3日来信告知,由于货船途径的一条河流上的桥坍塌了,到港时间会延迟2个月。阿连当时也是蒙了,不是早到港了吗?怎么也会影响到我们?后来再三确认后,发现原来货物实际ETA是7月3日, 刚好也受到桥坍塌的影响。得知消息后,我们马上通知客户,客户估计也已经收到消息了,所以反应也比较平静,毕竟这些不可抗因素谁也无法预料。可幸的是,在此之前,阿连已经催收到客户尾款了,不然估计尾款也要耽搁一段时日了。不过,这样子的延误无论对客户还是我们来说都是一个损失,客户可能会错过了销售时间,而我们也会因此而延迟了客户翻单的时间。
I recently encountered such a situation: ETA provided was June 25, but on July 3, I was told that the arrival time would delay 2 months due to the collapse of a bridge on the river that the cargo would pass. I was shocked: it arrived a long time ago, didn’t it? How could it affect us? After repeated confirmation, the actual ETA was July 3 so the goods was affected by the bridge exactly.Being informed that news, we immediately notified the customer but he responded calmly as he might have known it yet, after all, these were unexpected force majeure factors. Fortunately, before this, we had received the balance; otherwise, the balance payment could be delayed for a few days. However, the delay in such a situation was a loss both for the customer and for us, because customers might miss the sales time, and we would therefore delay the time of getting repeat order.
4、提货后的后续跟进 Follow up after delivery
After delivery, you can ask the shelf time and then periodically check the customers’ sales and market feedback, inventory and so on. If launch new product, you can recommend to customers, trying to push repeat orders and new orders.

In short, a competent salesman should not be idle starting from developing customers. The whole process is an opportunity to accumulate customer resources, so every step must be hands-on. If you are idle, others may take away your customers by this chance.


紧贴你的客户 不要让他溜走!

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