I also like to know the warranty on these products and make a semiformal budgets of these 2 products to know how much it costs to bring it and pay taxes here in Lima, Peru.To do so faster possible order.
My payment will be with letter of guarantee is that will be deposited into your account total will be just that your disposition When products are shipped, as I had a bad experience once and I cheated.
I also want all enterprise data warehouse to perform well.
意思是说,不知道产品质量,所以做了个非正式预算 搞两个样品,看看运费要多少,税要多少。。。然后看看是不是要下单
我的付款方式是letter of guarantee。。。。后面他说被骗过。。。所以。。可能。。。他想表达的是L/C或者D/P。。。。
PS: 楼主,你最好报给他一个FOB价格加上目前一个柜到利马的运费。
另外,付款方式上,他估计是不给定金的那种。你最好和他说清楚。到底是“ will you send us deposit before production ??"还是L/C或者D/P
你要告诉他 样品的话空运是多少钱 至于他受过骗,那就让他感到你是正规的,给他看看你们跟谁做过生意 对于peru的信用问下熟悉的人 对于报价呢 一定要做个 breakdown ,让他看看
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