“Dear Bill,一个美国客户需要购买我们的产品,但他们想在购买之前了解一下我们的产品在客户端的使用情况,我将你的联系方式提供给了客户,他们如果给你打电话,请帮忙介绍一下我们的产品使用情况好吗?请尽量给好评哦”以上烦请高手帮忙翻译,万分感谢!!!
[ 本帖最后由 patty-chu 于 2013-3-28 11:00 编辑 ]
Dear Bill,
One American customer wants to buy our product but they'd like to understand the application of our products at customer end before the purchase. I've provided your contact details to the customer. If they call you, please help introduce the application of our product. Your good comments on our product will be highly appreciated. Thank you
Dear Bill
An American customers need purchase our products,but they want to know before buying one by oneUS customers need to purchase our products,but they want to learn about our products on the client before making a purchase using our products in Client usage
, I will contact you to provide to the customer if they call you, please help introduce the use of our products please? Please, try and give praise "
Dear Bill, we now have a customer from US who wants to purchase our product, but before they do that, they would like to know something like 'user experience' of the product from customers, so I have just given them your contact information, and presumably they would call you for comments, now in case they do, would you please help to make a good introduction for our product? Your good comments would be highly appracited!
Dear Bill,一个美国客户需要购买我们的产品,但他们想在购买之前了解一下我们的产品在客户端的使用情况,我将你的联系方式提供给了客户,他们如果给你打电话,请帮忙介绍一下我们的产品使用情况好吗?请尽量给好评哦”
Dear Bill ,Have a nice day !One of our potential customer from American would like to have an investigate for usage of our products,
we provide your telphone to them ,Once they contact u ,kindly introduce the usage detail info forward to them .if needed ,Kindly introduce the advantage way .Thanks a lot .
Dear Bill, an Amrican client is in need of buying our products,but he wants to understand the attitude of our customers to the products before ordering to it. I have gave him your contact information, if they contact with you, would you mind helping me to introduce our products to him? please say a good word for our products.
An American customer wants to know the image of our product from end-user before placing order, there is a possibility that he will call you directly, in that case, please introduce our product with good impression to them.
Dear Bill:
One of US customer wants to purchase our goods and they wants to know our goods situation in your country before buy it. I've provide your contact info to the customer, Could you pls help to introduce our goods to clients if he call you??? Your best comments will highly appreciate here.
不是高手 ,呵呵
更喜欢五楼Tim的表达 ,
简单 明了就行。说多了 都是废话,地道不地道,看自己个人喜好
Dear Bill .
Glad to contact with you.We provide you telephone no. to one of our potential customers wants to know how is quantity of our products.In case that is an urgent issue.I am so sorry that I haven't ask for your consent earlier.So sorry for this.Besides.Could you pls do us a favor to introduce our items to him clear when he call you?
加拿大电商刚从事这行半年,对电子行业不了解,自己整理了些,算是学习,供大家分享,也请大家补充。我毕竟是个文科生,对这方面知识严重欠缺。 DVD:英文全名是Digital Video Disk, 即数字视频光 加拿大电商昨天我把提单复件发给了客户,今天收到了他回信,如下: Dear Nicholas, please send all shipping documents. We will check B/L copy and we will reply ASAP. Thank you Best Regards .........................................
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