工作之余翻译了一段英文,请大家指教一下哈:景德镇瓷器 从汉朝开始烧制陶器,距今1800多年,从东晋开始烧制瓷器,距今1600多年。景德镇素有“瓷都”之称。景德镇瓷器造型优美、品种繁多、装饰丰富、风格独特。
考古发掘表明,景德镇自五代开始生产瓷器,宋、元两代迅速发展,至明、 清时在珠山设御厂,成为全国的制瓷中心。
JINGDEZHEN is usually named as “porcelain city” which had fired pottery since 1800 years ago in the Han Dynasty and porcelain since 1600 years ago in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Jingdezhen’s porcelain has been famous not only in china but in time it became well known internationally for its beautiful design, wide varieties with various decoration and unique style.
After further excavation,we found that Jingdezhen had produced porcelain since the five Dynasty and had fast development in the Son and Yuan Dynasties.To the Ming and Qing Dynasties there had establishes a Royal factory in Zhushan where had became a National porcelain center.
The history of the Jiingdezhen’s porcelain carving can be traced back to over 1400 years ago on the other hand ,Jinigdezhen had produced Porcelainous lion, Porcelainous elephant and other big Porcelainous animals in the Dynasty Sui. Jingdezheng’s porcelain is varied, lifelike with great variety of decoration include High temperature gaze, five colors under glaze, blue and white contrasting color and the famille rose etc. Some of them are solemn, elegant and fresh ,gorgeous and resplendent with strong expressive force. Jingdezhen’s porcelain custom is an important part of the porcelain history of Jingdezhen.
JINGDEZHEN is usually known as “porcelain city”
景德镇瓷器 从汉朝开始烧制陶器,距今1800多年 jindezheng started making pottery from Han dynasty , with over 1800 years history till now .
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