货币已贬值3500倍 #伊朗宣布1万旧币换1新币#5月4日,伊朗议会投票通过《伊朗货币和银行法》修正案,将官方货币由里亚尔(Rial)改为土曼(Toman)。法案要求伊朗中央银行以土曼重新计算汇率,1土曼约等于1万里亚尔,土曼与里亚尔将一同保持两年的信誉,当局将收集旧硬币和钞票,逐步用新币代替。近年来,受美国制裁影响,伊朗里亚尔汇率不断走低,黑市中美元对里亚尔汇率达到约1比15万。伊朗媒体称,自1971年以来,该国货币已贬值3500倍。专家称,此举将降低印刷成本,有利于简化会计工作。
KUALA LUMPUR (May 4): Iranian lawmakers voted today for the details of an amendment to the Monetary and Banking Act of Iran to change their country's official currency to "toman", according to the official news agency of Iran, The Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA).
The new law tasks the Central Bank of Iran with recalculating the foreign exchange ratio with "toman", taking into consideration the currency reserve and the country's commitments to the International Monetary Fund.
The law also articulates that "rial" will remain credible alongside "toman" for two years, during which the old coins and bills will be gradually collected for new ones to replace them.
The Central Bank of Iran has been required to do preparatory work for the implementation of the new law within two years from its enactment.
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