加拿大进出口外贸How do you find European B2B Customers?


Hi everyone. I am a a German working in Foreign Trade and I am part of a European Company's Sourcing Team. 我住了中国好久了快要5年了也在外贸行业做了好几年了。  我很好奇一家中国的工厂或是外贸公司怎么找到西方客户?How do you find Western B2B Customers? LinkedIn, Google, Alibaba, trade fairs, connections, what works best? What's your experience? Would be great to hear your thoughts!

[ 本帖最后由 maru_germany 于 2020-6-23 18:11 编辑 ]

Hi Dear
As you said, most factories in China are looking for customers on Alibaba or Made-in China B2B platform, and the probability of participation is relatively small.My suggestion is that factories or enterprises are more mature and we can go to foreign professional exhibitions to find customers. However, this kind of customer search is quite expensive  It is also a more direct way
中国的工厂大部分如你所说,在阿里巴巴或者中国制造B2B平台寻找客户,参加的概率也是比较少的;我的建议在工厂或者企业比较成熟可以去国外专业展会寻找客户不过这种寻找客户是比较贵的 也是比较直接的方式
I am engaged in international logistics and international trade in China. If you have any problems in transportation, please feel free to contact me
My contact information is next to my profile picture  Best wishes,

Hi d2dbryan, thanks for sharing your experiences. Super appreciated. I agree from what I have seen platforms like Alibaba or Madeinchina.com might not be the best place to find good customers. Also as you said exhibitions are nice but expensive. Does anyone also directly call or email potential customers? How is your expericence? 谢谢大家跟我分享你们的经验。



Use Google and LinkedIn

may i ask how do you source product or supplier?

Hello Maru, so glad to see your post.
I'm new to B2B foreign trade and currently trying to develop european customers. We specialize in e-cigarettes, different kinds of disposable face mask. Heard about the B2B online platforms like Alibaba as mentioned, but now I'm using google, linkedin instead, however, the outcome is not that satisfying at the moment. And I also try to use the customs data to find potential clients, still experimenting.
Can I ask for a favor?
I'm trying to do some govt order or supply our face mask to hospitals etc, it's just an idea now with no clue of where to start.
How would you suggest me to get started? How should I get the right contact?
Any of your thoughts means a lot, thx.
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