


涉及到的产品种类有: 陶瓷, 玻璃, 餐具, 家具, 家紡, 五金(户内,户外), 等一些大的种类, 小的分类就不在此细说了,如(PE; PVC手套,  钉子, 等).

涉及客户有: CGSA, WGAL, KAL, OBI, THD, TESCO, LENOX, AUCHAN, SIPLEC,等一些客户, 其他的小客户就不在此赘述了.

抽检标准执行ANSI/ASQZ1.4-2003. AQL可依据客户要求而定. 主要以F.R.I. 为主, 如果是 I.P.C. 或者L/S也可以.

验货标准可依据欧标或者美标来执行, 也可依据客户要求来执行.

本人承接河北省地区的验货. 非诚勿扰. 联系方式: EMAIL: [email protected]

以下附上 (纺织术语,疵点描述--中英文对照), 本人不敢说非常精化, 纯粹个人多年经验积累.如有不当之处,还请大家添补指正.

"hand feel" not as sample (tough & feel)手感与样品不符
1/2 hip measure xx cm from waist("V" meas. / straight meas.) 1/2 坐围
1/2 waist relaxed or stretched 1/2 腰围
2 years limited warranty for sleeping bag 睡袋有2年保质期
2/4-hole button 2/4孔扣
3/4/5/6/7 panels cap 三/四/五/六/七瓣帽
4 dry crock and 3 wet crock: color fastness standard 色牢度标准:4干/3湿摩擦
5 thread overlock (5 TH OL) 五线包缝
60 count yarn 60支纱
a candlewick bedspread 灯芯纱盘花床罩
a crisscross pattern 十字形花样
a dress suit 男式夜礼服
a gym suit 体操衣
a lounge suit 男式普通西服
a monogrammed shirt 有字母组合图案的衬衫
a three-piece suit 三件一套的西服
a veiled design woven in fabric 暗花
a veiled or covered button (on clothing)暗扣
A/B/C-cup brassiere (bra) 小/中/大号奶罩
abdomen girth 腹围
abdominal belt 腹带,肚带,兜肚(妇女,儿童用)
above crotch (裤)衩上
above-the-knee pants 膝上短裤
abrasion resistance 耐磨性
abrasion 磨损(织物,表皮),磨损处,擦伤处,刮除,擦掉,磨蚀
absorbent finishing 吸湿整理
abutted seam 拼合缝
abutted stitching/stitch 拼合线缝/迹
accent colour 强调色
accessory inventory 辅料储存
accessory 辅料,配料,附件
accordion-pleat skirt 百褶裙
acid wash(ing) 酸洗,雪花洗
acid-proof fabric 耐酸织物
across back shoulders 总肩(宽)
across back 后胸阔
across ball area (widest part) 鞋底前宽
across chest 前胸阔
across shoulder (armhole to armhole, upper width) 肩宽
acrylic embroidery thread 腈纶绣花线
acrylic fibres 腈纶
acrylic sweater 腈纶(毛)衫
acrylic 丙烯酸的纤维,塑料或树脂
additive dress 多层式女服
adhesive label 粘贴商标/标签
adhesive woven interlining 有纺黏合衬
adhesive/fusible interlining 黏衬
adhesive-bonded interlining 黏合衬
adjust tab 调节袢
adjustable band 袖口调节袢
advertising T-shirt 广告衫
aftertreatment 后整理
afterwelt (鞋面与鞋底的)后接缝革条,镶边,贴边
agraffe (盔甲,衣服上的)搭扣,搭钩
air permeability 透气性
albow 肘围
all cotton stretch yarn 全棉弹力纱
all the zippers used on garments must have a terminal/stopper security in order to guarantee the slide can not come out of the fastener 拉链头应有防滑出止口(两侧均要有)
all-around pleated skirt 百褶裙
all-weather coat 晴雨外套,风雨衣
amber/ambre 琥珀(色),褐色
ambisextrous clothing 中性服装,男女不分的服装
anchored pants 踩脚裤(针织紧身裤,脚口套踩在脚下)
angle pocket 斜袋,插袋
angler's vest 钓鱼背心(多口袋的背心)
angora gloves 兔毛手套
ankle strap 系踝鞋带
anti-crease finish 防皱整理
anti-curl finish 防卷边整理
anti-fuzzing finish 防起毛整理
anti-laddering finish 防抽丝整理
anti-pilling finish 抗起球整理
anti-shrinking finish 防滑移整理
anti-snag finish 防钩丝整理
any double stitching or poor, repairs affecting serviceability or appearance 重线或修补影响使用性或外观
any irregular stitching that affects appearance 不规则线迹影响外观
any loop length/ opening not as specified (Major:>0.5cm) 环长/开口与资料不符
any raw edges that affects appearance/ serviceability 毛边影响外观或使用性
any serious uneven edge at seams (pocket mouth, waist band) 严重不规则边在缝/袋口/腰头
any sewing operation omitted, eg. top stitching, buttonhole uncut etc. 缝纫环节缺失
any specified ends of stitching not back stitches未打倒针(与资料不符)
any twist, loose, tight, puckered, pleated seam affecting the appearance or serviceability 扭曲/松/紧/起褶的缝影响外观或使用性
any uneven dart/ pleat length (major:>1/4") 省/褶长不对称
apron 围裙,工作裙
arched stitch 弓形线迹
arm badge 臂章,袖章
arm cover 袖套,套袖
arm width 袖宽,中袖
armoured vest 防弹背心
armpit 腋窝,腋下
artificial leather 人造革
artworks embroidery 工艺刺绣
assembling 装配,缝合
assort by color and size 分色分码
asymmetric bucket, lock etc.搭扣/锁等不对称
asymmetrical epaulet 肩牌不对称
asymmetrical neckline/skirt 不对称领口/裙               
asymmetrical pocket corner shape 袋布角位不对称               
attach at side seam top of waist on left when wearing 钉于腰头左侧缝(穿时)               
attach belt loop 绱(音shang:两部分合缝一起)裤带袢       

(以上共100条, 本人积累了共1724条,如果大家支持的话, 以后再拿出来与大家分享.)





麻烦你告诉我另外一个论坛的网址, 我去看下.


[ 本帖最后由 chrisli18 于 2009-8-10 19:27 编辑 ]

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my mail: [email protected]  
验货必备--纺织术语,疵点描述--中英文对照第二部分: (101-200)

attach collar to band 夹翻领(翻领夹进底领缝合)               
attach hook and eye to waistband 钉裤钩袢               
auto-lock 自锁(拉链自锁功能)               
AZO dyes 偶氮染料               
back band 鞋后袢带               
back cover front 后搭前               
back gusset width 三角裤后(三角片)宽               
back kick pleat 裙子后面开衩上面的缝               
back of the coat rides up 后身起吊               
back panel seam 背嵌缝               
back seam 背缝               
back shoulder dart 后肩省               
back stitch at the end of opening 剪口末端处回/倒针               
back stitch sewing 回针加固缝纫               
back stitch 倒缝,回针针迹               
back waist dart 后腰省               
back width 背宽               
back yoke 后腰下"V"形育克               
background 布料底色               
backless dress 露背装               
badly assembled heels 鞋跟安装不良               
badly repair stitching that affecting appearance 修复线迹影响外观               
badly shaped collar point (major) 领尖形状不良               
baggy shirt 袋形衬衫(浮离身体,宽松)               
balance 缝头,(衣服穿挂)平衡性               
ball button 球形钮扣               
band collar 直领               
bare midriff 露脐装,露腰装               
barrel skirt 桶形裙,桶裙
bartack at top of slit 衩上端打套结
bartack back vent end 封背衩
bartack end of zipper 拉链止口打套结
bartack ends of pocket mouth 封袋口
bartack front rise 前门打套结
bartack sleeve slit 封袖衩
bartack stitch 倒针法
bartack 打结车,用zigzag 针角将上下片车牢(如工作服上端需使用),打套结,打结缝
bartack-all ends of stitching 5-6 stitches/stress point/pocket opening corner/bottom of back zipper/top of vent opening/trim to no more than 1/4" 打套结-所有线迹止端5-6针/受力点/口袋开口的边角处/拉链下端/裙子开叉上端/修剪至不超过1/4英寸
bartacking or back stitching missing on front pocket 前口袋欠枣或倒针
base button 底扣
baste hem 疏缝底边
baste 用长针疏缝
basting stitch 疏缝线迹
basting 疏缝,粗缝,假缝,初缝
bath gown/bathrobe 浴衣
bath towel 浴巾
bathing dress=bathing suit 游泳衣
batik 蜡染
beach parasol 海滩大遮阳伞
beach umbrella 海滨用的太阳伞
bead (装饰用)有孔小珠,珠饰
beaded belt 珠饰腰带
bearer & facing 袋衬&袋贴
bed sheet 床单
bed-side towel 床沿巾(多宾馆床上用)
bedspread/bed cover 床罩
beige 米色,原色哔叽
bell bottom 喇叭脚口
bell skirt 钟型裙
bell sleeve 钟型袖
bell-bottom trousers 喇叭裤
bellow pocket 有褶口袋
belt buckle 腰带(装饰)扣
belt carrier 带袢
belt clasp 腰带扣
belt loop 腰带环,带袢
belt of gown 衣带,袍带
bending resistance 抗弯性
bias (成衣的)斜线,斜布条
bib 小孩的围嘴,大人围裙上部(围裙靠胸部分),围兜
biceps (arm width)臂宽,袖宽
bikini 分为两部分的极为短小的女子泳衣
bind armhole 滚袖窿边
bind buttonhole 滚扣眼边
binding tape 滚边带
binding 镶边,滚条(衣服边沿或部件边沿的条状装饰部件)
bird's eye 网眼
bleached denim 漂白牛仔布
blind edge seam 暗边缝
blind hemming stitch 暗卷缝线迹,暗针法,暗缲针法(缲:qiao,做衣服边或带子时把布边往里头卷进去,然后藏着针脚缝,缝纫方法之一)
blind seam=false seam=closed seam 暗缝
blind stitch 暗针,暗缝针迹
blinding stitching too visible on outside 暗针外露
blouse 女衬衫
boat neck (女装的)船形的开领,一字形领口
bodice 连衣裙上部(下至脚处),(妇女,儿童)紧身胸衣
bodkin (大眼无尖的)粗针(用以将带子等穿过衣边),锥子,发夹针
body hugging (服装)紧身,贴身
body stand 人体模型
bone 妇女胸衣的张骨,雨伞的骨
boot lace 鞋带
boot last 鞋/靴楦
boot tree 靴模(放入靴子内防止变形)                       
bosom (衣服的)胸部                       
bottom hem 下摆卷边/折边                       
bottom relaxed/ stretched 下摆平/拉量                       
bottom rib 身罗纹(毛衣下摆罗纹)                       
bottom sweep 下摆                       
bottom with cuff 裤卷脚,裤口卷边                       
bottom 下摆,衣裙,下装,裤脚口

加拿大电商刚从事这行半年,对电子行业不了解,自己整理了些,算是学习,供大家分享,也请大家补充。我毕竟是个文科生,对这方面知识严重欠缺。 DVD:英文全名是Digital Video Disk, 即数字视频光 加拿大电商昨天我把提单复件发给了客户,今天收到了他回信,如下: Dear Nicholas, please send all shipping documents. We will check B/L copy and we will reply ASAP. Thank you Best Regards .........................................
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·澳洲新闻 澳洲政府警告:华人家庭的这种习惯是错误的,数千万人因此患



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