加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科many cheaters repeated from facebook
I add many new friends in Facebook. Unfortunately many of them are cheaters with similar story trying to hoax me for money.
很少登录Facebook, 虽然我那里也有不少中外朋友。多数都是有点熟悉的人,可是我们都没见骗子,是怎么样的骗钱呢?
Sharing is caring - Without people sharing info, forum would not exist and no one would benefit from it. Don't be selfish. 超赞 赏 D davidfight 0$(VIP 0) 212020-10-27#3 比如在美军服役,在叙利亚或阿富汗发现大笔钱财。与丈夫感情破裂,让人下载软件去弄她丈夫的钱来报复丈夫。假恋爱假结婚假交友。巨额遗产继承。
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